May 10 Check in Friday 21rst***********


Good morning ladies....

Getting us started out today...

I am working out with Supersets later today....

Be back later....

Hey Girls...

I think I'm going to get my self out for a run. I was feeling pretty good about today, but suddenly I feel a "weekend funk" settling in. A run will help! I'm debating on whether I should do 30 minutes of some form of cardio at home first. I'm thinking of KCM's 30 Minute Step one (I forget the name of it). Probably will...

Beth: I read your post from last night. ... That is funny about me freaking you out about knowing about the blood counts/transfusion! The doctor sounds VERY nice to help your niece out too. Not too many doctors get involved like that. Usually in and out of the room, ya know?... Good luck with figuring out a rotation. I like Fitness Freaks summer outline, because it has a "generic" outline that I can ad lib as needed. But it is more total body weight work as opposed to 3 day split. Maybe an endurance total body weight rotation wouldn't be a bad idea for you. here's her generic:

Day 1: Cardio
Day 2: Total Body
Day 3: Cardio
Day 4: Legs
Day 5: Cardio
Day 6: Circuit
Day 7: Rest

Kathy: That's a quickie workout today too! Nice! Enjoy!!! Hope Chris is feeling better today!

Oh! And I looked at the links you put up, Beth. And the conference ideas you heard. VERY interesting stuff. I will definitely keep that in mind. Maybe get him out there doing some volunteer work and I could always have him help his brothers out with THEIR homework.

The only *issue* right now is time. Like last night, he got home at 8:30, after his BB Game, and had SO much to do , in such little time. Maybe after baseball season is over....

Anyways, wanted to say THANK YOU!
Good morning and TGIF! I know it's bad for you, Chris, but I need a weekend! I'm so tired..... we were up until 11:00 last night. Partly because Travis finally got into this report that he turned in yesterday, but she decided they could have one more night of revisions if they wanted. He had such a hard time doing this one, so I was thrilled that he was finally excited about it, and just couldn't squelch that. But the alarm at 4:45 was tough! I did it though.... got up and did tonique mat!

Glad you saw my post, Chris! I wish I could do a better job at talking about that stuff -- it was fascinating to me. Oh, and yes, that dr. is amazing -- spends so much time with us!! And everyone (except one woman) who my mom tells who her dr. is says he's great if they know him. One of her friends used to be a teacher and she taught his kids and said that he was a great parent -- helped in the classroom himself and had great kids, etc. I guess he did the sex ed talk at middle school for years, too. Funny.

Thanks or the rotation -- I think I will work with that! Part of my problem, I realized, is that I really do like these bodyrock workouts, but it's sort of hard to figure out what they are -- they all seem to be total body with cardio factor workouts (body weight only), but, if I look closer, she does try to emphasize some lower body / cardio / abs separated workouts. But, with the FF generic rotation you listed, I think it'll help me work in some of my dvds, too. So, thanks!

Hottie, hope you have a better day today! Waves to all, and have a good one!
I ended up doing Tracey Staehle's Cardio Kickbox Challenge, 40 minute premix. I was thinking about a run. But I decided not to. It is stressing me out a bit to think of how time will be crunched later if I go for a run too. So i'm not gonna!

Beth: Glad the rotation will be helpful. I like the set schedule, but you get to play a little too. ... that really is exceptional for a doctor to be that sweet. Though I have known sweet ones in my time too. More not sweet ones. LOL!

Better head out before my plan to have "more time" ends up online timewasting!!!!
Chris, I thought your double cardio sounded ambitious!!

I forgot to tell you guys..... last weekend I was talking about the possibility of taking the boys to Iron Man and Larry said "I want to see Iron Man!" We were all shocked. Larry hasn't been inside a movie theater in at least six years! So, we're going to see that late this afternoon! All four of us!

Oh, and Joanne, forgot to comment that Larry is the same as your hubby, buying things he uses very little. Like the van, for instance.... we should have just rented some small RV or something! Life would be less complicated with fewer things.......
Hi ladies!! :)

Chris, back to the Swedish exchange student thing....I think he actually means an au pair or a nanny. Or, at least that's what I want! Not to help with the kids really, just clean the house and cook! :) Why Swedish - oh, it's got to be the blond hair, big boob stereotype, I guess! ;) I'm blond (with some help) and the other area,! Not even close. A guy can dream, right?? ;) So you were a wild woman in HS, huh? ;) I was no angel, but college was where I really "blossomed". Man, we had some good times. Things I don't think I'll ever tell my kids!

Beth, that conference sounds so interesting. I think it's great to get kids involved in community service. Most have really good hearts, but don't want to show it. I think if you get them invested in something, like tutoring the young kids, it gives them something to be proud of. Another focus besides their friends. Kind of takes them out of their comfort zone. I'm not explaining it well, but I can see how it would work. I'm going to take a look at those links you posted. So glad to hear your mom has such a great doctor. That really makes all the difference. Writing stuff down is a great idea - it's so easy to forget things. Have a great time at the theatre. Larry may be shocked at how the ticket prices have gone up! Are those bodyrock and zusana workouts online? You download them, right? I've seen them mentioned, but never looked into them.

I actually got up today and ran! DH had last night off - he was asleep on the couch, so I would have had to wake him to work out. I figured why not run? Tully senses when I'm going running and was all excited. So, I took her for about a mile and she kept stopping to sniff the wondrous odors that lurk on all the lawns and then mark them as her own. I was feeling good, like I wanted to really run, so I took her home and went back out for another half hour or so. I was great - I had a lot of energy for some strange reason! It was misting lightly outside, which was great. Kept me cool.

Not too busy of a weekend for us. Just one soccer game. But, I have a long list of things I want to do before Jameson's graduation party, like paint the living room and dining room, so I should probably get started on those. I told DH I wanted to paint - all I ask is that no one helps me and everyone stays away!! DH and I do not work well together when doing home improvements or repairs. ;) I'm actually a better painter than him, but he likes to "supervise" and tell me how to do it. :( Just have to pick out a good color. I'm so bad at that - nothing ever looks like it does on the swatch once it's on the wall.

BBL...I'm sure!

Joanne, good for you on the run!!! I'm very impressed because I'm sure it was dark, right? So funny how the dogs just know, isn't it? Nice that you both got what you wanted done.

The bodyrock workouts are just written up. She has clips of her workout so you can see what she means, but the whole workout is not there, so you do need to write them down and do it that way, and I know that's a huge mental block to get passed. Didn't think I ever would, to be honest, but since that's what I did when I was at my mom's, I realized it can be fun! So, I'm psyched to do them.

Glad you have an easier weekend, though painting is so hard! I think! I guess my memory of painting was a room that had shelves and louvered doors on all walls, so it was all brush work and just so tiring. Good luck!
Beth, actually it now gets light around 5:30 here - I guess cause of daylight savings time. Painting is hard - I think you kind of forget how hard until you actually do it. It's the moving and covering stuff and all the other prep that's a PITA! I probably wouldn't have the discipline to do written workouts, but it's probably fun to use your own music. It's good for when you don't have access to a DVD player.

Hey Hottie - hope all is welll and you are feeling better.

omigosh, you guys are just all infinitely cooler than me. i was so boring in college! all I did was study and study and not go to class (I unlearned there) and play video games and research. I never even had a spring break! my first spring break my mother came to visit so I was stuck in pasadena, the second one I was planning on going to SF but then my sister had my first niece the night before, the third one I was helping my sister move and working on my fellowship, and the last one I had graduated early and had started working! Seriously, I was such a little overachiever before Joe came and screwed things up. ;) But I could outdrink most people. Something useful from college.

On buying things you don't use -- gah, I hate that! But we're pretty good and with all this reorganization stuff we've been doing, I've been either restoring things so we can use them again or just giving stuff away. Our biggest problem was that we had merged living separately items for a while. Most of Joe's is gone with the exception of one step stool and a trashcan. Some of my stuff is around but it most ours. But it's the clutter that gets to me. I think I'm just breaking down and going to buy more organizational stuff at BBB or Ross or Target or something. We reorganized the kitchen and it's been awesome since. But I've been taking kitty litter pails and using them as multipurposed pails and storage looks a little funny but functional!

No workouts yesterday or today...though if I feel better I'll try to do it today. I have some kind of May bug. I was complaining to my therapist about how off I felt during the week and she suggested that I was perhaps sick and I waved it off and then realized all the signs were there. And now Pasadena is doing it's funky look, I'll be really hot today and really cold tomorrow which never does well for me.

Kathy -- did you have fun with Supersets?

Chris -- I'm sorry about Zach's grades. how old is he? Maybe he just needs me to whip him into shape ;). It's weird with, sometimes, they just don't want to do work so they wont' do it despite how capable they are. I chuckle sometimes because I get a kick out of the fact that parents pay me to tutor their kid where sometimes its usually just me mocking/tricking them into doing the work (and boys are sooooo easy to manipulate), but its different I guess when it doesn't come from a family member. I love double cardio days! I'm still hopeful that I'll awaken my inner runner one day....

Beth -- wow, Travis works so hard for being so young! That's so cool that they're being challenged like that. My mother wouldn't even let me stay up that late no matter what. I had to be in bed by 9p (even if I just stayed awake in my bed). Have fun with Iron Man! I want to see movies too, which is weird because i'm so cheap. But I've been better about rotating the netflix queue and it's been a lot of fun. Watched the hangover on Wednesday and yep, it was pretty funny. Sherlock Holmes was cool to watch too (EYE CANDY!!!!) but I'm glad I rented it. Downey Jr's accent was pretty thick and it felt like mumbled a lot so I didn't understand him the first time. the second time, it was much more enjoyable.

Joanne -- oh I totally understood the swede thing (EYE CANDY!!!). good luck on the painting...we're going to repaint our bedroom again. We both love the colors but admit it would be hard to sell those colors in the bedroom when we do sell the house and we wanted to enjoy whatever we did instead of just doing it for someone else. So we're going with this lavendar shantung silk...that was joe's preference because I wanted to go with a soft rose with candlelight flickers but he thought that was too girly (yes, because lavender isn't girly at all). But I'm checking out some CL ad because we were know, if we can manage to pay someone $60-80 to do it, its worth it. If not, we'll do it ourselves. We are in the process of sanding down the trims in the main rooms and hallways so I can put semi-gloss paint on it so that's another thing. Oh so much stuff! I'm sure Tully was so happy! Evee woulda been too! Poor thing hasn't really been run in a while. though she was cute...she does like to snuggle next to me when I'm vegging in bed.

Joe has really been taking care of me awesomely. This morning, when he woke up, he went out and got me my breakfast stuff so he could make me strong start breakfast (egg, potatoes, toast). It definitely helped me...

Ok, off to get some lunch, set up more experiments and then to a defense and then home where I'll most likely crash. I don't think i'll make it on but congrats to the cupcake winner...
Hottie, I think I've got you beat on the college thing -- I didn't even drink. Senior year I lived with an apartment of six guys, all computer science dweebs (one was math actually), and we did things like buy a real arcade game for the apartment and play that for hours on end, hack into the school network so we could get a better modem speed (when no one even had modems), and then our weekly fun.... we lived on the third floor and the garbage dumpster was below one big window. So, instead of taking the trash out all week, we waited for the garbage truck to be under the window, and we dropped it down out the window right into the truck. Yeah, it was exciting all right......

Oh, and Travis only stayed up until 10pm working -- he was done at that point and ready for bed, though I think he's normally up until then reading anyway. Usually I'm asleep before he is!!

Iron Man may be postponed since there is an early Sharks game because they are playing in Chicago. Stay tuned......
Beth, yes, the Sharks are playing in Chicago. :) :) It's on a 7pm here - must start at 5:00 your time? That's early! Too funny about the garbage drop!

OK, you are giving me hope that there's more to college than partying and drinking!! ;) I'm thinking way ahead here to when my kids start going. Hopefully they'll be more like you and less like me! Now I barely drink, but then was a different story. Got mostly B's and C's. If I actually studied, could have gotten A's, I'm sure.

Hottie, I never went anywhere on Spring Break either. DH keeps telling the kids if they get good grades, he'll pay for their spring break trips. Good to hear Joe is taking good care of you! Lavender sounds good for a bedroom, but yea, it is kind of girly! As long as Joe's good with it, go for it!

Almost time to go home! Yay! Supposed to be some wicked T-storms coming. Hope I don't get caught in any on the way home. I'm on the train, but have to walk about a mile to get there. So far the sun is still shining. Supposed to be 90 Sunday. Yikes! That's actually a bit too warm for me.

Have a good weekend all....I'll try to stop in..

You guys are a RIOT! I was so so very bad. It's a miracle I turned out so good. I'd go out with my friends on weekends when I was in college, and get SMASHED, have drunken random sex (before AIDS really took off), drive DRUNK, and barely make it home. Throw in some random drug taking too. It really is a miracle I'm alive, and never got pregnant or VD or something horrible!

Today, I barely even drink. I take a sip of wine when i'm cooking and get "tipsy". I would NEVER do drugs (scared shitless what they have in them these days). And Greg is lucky if we ever have SOBER sex. !!!!

Joanne: AWESOME job on the run and the energy!!!! I love a good energized run, nothing better! And drizzle really is not bad to run in! ... AH! ok, Swedish = blonde and big boobs! LOL!! Too funny! (Are Swedish men handsome and do they do nanny work????) .

Beth: I'm not sure I could routinely do a workout without a video either. But it is a very handy thing to be able to do, PLUS, you get your own music! ... Actually, as much as I loved Iron Man 2, Iron Man 1 is much better!!! (But in the end, it's all about Robert Downey Jr and his hotness!)... FUNNY story about the garbage truck, though!

Hottie: SOrry you're feeling crappy, but nice Joe is taking care of you! Nice to hear!. You really were an angel growing up and in school! A perfect daughter!!! ... Oh Zach is just being a teenager. I know it. I'm POSITIVELY sure you could whip him into shape. Too bad we're so far away!!!

better go get supper stuff ready......

(wonder I'll be indulging in cupcakes tonight! I feel like it too. ANother week where I am SOOOOO stellar good eating and workout like a nut, and the scale is STUCK , STILL. Frustrates me and makes me want to eat crap! go figure!)
No cupcakes for you! (think Soup Nazi: No soup for you!)

drumroll please...... the kids voted to go see Iron Man. Dylan watched maybe ten minutes before saying "I want to go home!" and so Larry took him, since we had two cars. Travis made it about 45 minutes into the movie before he said "I think I'd rather do this with netflix!" in a desperate sounding voice. So, we are listening to the Sharks kick the Blackhawks' asses (well, we can hope!) at the moment. Just have to try to believe that they can do it here.

Chris, you are too funny! That's all I'm saying! And spring break?! I think I was out of college before anyone even started doing anything during spring break -- ok, that's my impression. Yes, I'm still naive!!!

I did not even get to see any Robert Downey Jr. hotness. Oh, Chris, you have to try to get Ally McBeal rented somehow -- we are in the second season now and it's just hilarious!!

Oh yeah, got home, there's mail from the county tax people, which I open right away in trembling fear. They think we didn't pay our taxes. I know I mailed it. Larry poured me a giant glass of red wine at that point. I'm going to crash hard tonight! It's not even 7:00 and I'm feeling tired.....
ROFLOL -- No cupcake for you!!

Oh, that's too funny about Iron Man. That sounds like my sister (before I could remember) getting freaked out by the star wars movie as a child so I wasn't allowed to see Star Wars until she left the house. Did they cash the check Beth? Because that happened to me once where the state claimed I didn't send money and I just showed them a copy of my endorsed check. Did they apologize? No! Though, I'm glad I have an impound account with my mortgage company now. I only got it because they were going to drop us to 4.875 from 5.875 if I did it so I did but now I hear all these stories and I don't have to deal with a thing of it since the government just harasses them directly.

Chris -- you are my new personal hero. There I said it. :)

Oh and my mother's head just exploded somewhere with the perfect daughter comment...

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