May 09 Check in Thursday 21rst


Good morning ladies..

Getting us started today....

Workout for me today...I plan to tackle High Step Challenge! Thankfully not as crazy a day for us. We have library this afternoon and that is it..yeah!!

Ok, that is it for now..Be back later..
Hey Kathy!

Hey Everyone!!

Had a nice night at Zach's game last night, but crazy that it was 82 and I was COLD !! So today should be better, it's going to be 90!! Maybe I can take my sweatshirt off :eek::eek:

I'm heading to the park in a bit for a run, and then going to try to get in a StretchMax. DH is home (awake) today, he had last night off. Got to get Zach some new shorts, he's grown out of his others. (Explains his spike in blood sugars on and off, I guess!) And Alex needs play sneakers.

Kathy: I did HSC yesterday! It's a goodie!! It still felt tough to me transitioning to circuits, but I don't think HSC is as hard as HST-Advanced!!, do you? Either way, enjoy the hover squats at the end!! BAHAHAHAHA!!! My Alex is going to the library and it's museum, plus the old time cemetary today on a Field Trip. I'm bummed I didn't get to chaperone.. :(

Joanne: It's been a sort of hard (but in a good way) transition for me to circuits. I have to say, I've done the 3 day split for at least the last entire year, if not longer. What is the Lean Phase of CLX? More cardio? You should do it, since you hadn't before and then switch up to circuits. .... Your mom's kitten sounds sweet!! Do the kids have a name for it? What color is HE? Better a boy than a girl, I think...

Beth: Sometimes my weights were too heavy for me in Meso 3, Chest. It pulled on my shoulders. I had to go a bit lighter, but in the end, it worked fine, I still got good upper body results! ... It's nice to hear someone say your butt is looking smaller!!! LOL @ the picture of you bending over and showing DH... if we could have been flies on the wall!! LOL!!!!... Your poor son will definitely by in therapy in his 30's and remember you falling asleep on him!!! But won't they all???

Okay, better finish up here and get my act together for my run/fun in the park!
Good Morning!

Today started out busy errand filled already :confused:
Dropped the younger two at school and drove into town to do grocery shopping - man I love going that early as the store is empty and no lines! :D

Just got home a lil while ago and now getting ready to go back out and take oldest dd to work then I can throw some clothes in the washer as I get ready to workout. Starting week 3 of the last phase in CLX - I'm gonna miss these workouts but I plan on ordering them next Friday :D

I was out the past two days going into the Capital city w/ dh. Oh man we are both just so ready to move up there its no joke :confused:. We were looking at some other new developments and dh wants to try selling the house by ourselevs :(:confused: I have no idea about how its going to be done as I rather have a realtor as I told him but we shall see; in the meanwhile we may pick a new buyers realtor who knows the ins & outs of Raleigh.

Whoa - sorry about the me post :eek: I need to go back and do some personals.

Huggles ....

Hey Everyone! Vilma, good to hear from you -- no need to apologize about the "me" post -- that's what we want to read about! :) Good luck with all the house stuff. On the selling the house yourself bit -- you'd have to check what the legal requirements are, of course, and here in California what you'd be missing is being on the multiple listing service, which is what gets people noticing your house -- so.... you'd have to figure out a way to market it yourself. We've had Larry's mom's house in Wisconsin for sale by owner for nearly a year and they have gotten three offers -- there is one currently in the works -- I'm not sure how good it is. Just fyi.....

Chris/Kathy, did you see the thread about pyramids being really hard after STS? I so can't wait to get back to some of my old favorites and see how they feel! I must say, the workout yesterday was pretty discouraging, since I couldn't even get the weights up, but yes, Chris, I'm seeing way more definition than I ever have in my life, so I'm happy.

Oh, Vilma, on buying CLX.... I think Mary at has it, and you can maybe use the 10off code and get free shipping. The bb stuff may not qualify for 10 off -- not sure.

Chris, is Greg back at work already? How's the pneumonia, and did he finally keep taking his meds? Was wondering about him last night. And I cannot believe you were freezing in that weather -- are you sure you're not sick?!

Oh yeah, my workout..... I did 4DS kickbox cardio -- I think I've done enough kickboxing for a while -- it starts to bother my hips. I tacked on ab ripper X -- was going to do Tracy's stuff, but couldn't see the disc!! It was the strangest thing. I finally did spot it once I was all done, of course, but now I cannot find original squeeze. Crazy. And I did ab ripper "Tony style" -- that is, a lot of breaks!!! :) I swear I just feel like I'm never going to have ab strength like I had before pregnancies.... oh well!!

have a great day!!

Good morning ladies!! Beautiful day here - 80s and sunny! But I'm stuck inside at work. :( I'm going to try to get outside for a walk at some point.

Kathy, HSC sounds fun. Enjoy your day!

Chris, I'm always cold, too! Everyone could be wearing shorts and no coats and I've got on long pants and a jacket. I'm sure hot flashes will change all that soon, for me at least. ;) That sounds like a fun field trip - I like chaperoning, but don't get to do it too often. The kitten's name was Missy, but obviously needs to be changed. (thought it was a girl, but it's a boy). My mom is thinking of peanut or shadow. I'm not crazy about those. The kids suggested Mr. T. ;) He's kind of blackish/greyish with blue eyes. Are boy cats better to have than girl cats? I've never been a cat person since I'm allergic, so I know nothing about them. He'll be getting neutered in a few months.

Beth, some of those weights felt too heavy for me too. I scared myself for a minute when I lifted the barbell over my chest and it almost started going behind me. Then I had trouble lifting the barbell up off the floor when I was sitting to do the chest presses. I did go down about five pounds and it helped a little. The weights are a bit lighter next week and I think back to eight reps. That's a great idea - to rotate Lean with circuit weeks. I just may do that. Too funny about bending over for your DH! (Oh my - that sounded a bit risque, didn't it? ;) ) Ha! It's so reassuring to hear someone else thinks you're looking good! Especially someone who would know better than anyone else!

Vilma, I think it would be hard to sell the house yourself - especially in this market. I'm not sure what goes into it, but you could try it for six months or so, then use a real estate agent if it doesn't sell. I hope it all works out soon so you can move!

This morning I did Amy Bento's ASC3. I finally got all the choreo down except for one stomp/double stomp thing that lost me every time. But I got some of the other tricky ones down and it was fun!! :) I did four of the combos and it was about 60 minutes. Tomorrow is Plyo Legs.

Must go do some work...Have a great day!

hey guys -- I don't know if you saw on fb but yesterday I didn't workout which was fine but I tried to go to bed so I could wake up early like Beth (hence, channeling my inner Beth) and utterly failing at it. I managed to try to do a 30 min pseudo HIIT workout on the elliptical before my joint meeting. My hope is to do LIC or C&W when I get home tonight but we'll see. Once we get home, we just get dragged into all the little things we need to do....

Kathy -- I want to try to do HSC in the next couple days too. It's not my favorite circuit workout but I definitely think it works you! Hope you sweated through just fine.

Chris -- I'm the total opposite to you...I'm always warm! Though we know it to be because of my hormone issues. Joe says he can actually feet the heat come off me when my body temp spikes if he's standing next to me. hope you had fun at the park!

Vilma -- oh wow, that sounds stressful about selling the house. Though it is tempting when you think about how much you have to pay out of commission. let us know how that goes though -- I'm always curious. Beth is right about getting access to the MLS out here in CA. It's like the biggest thing about selling a home. Our realtor said the reason why we got our home so well under value is because I caught it off the tail end of its short MLS listing becaues the incompetent listing agent lost her ability to post the MLS so I had no competitors.

Beth -- oh I hate that when you find the thing you're looking for after you needed it! Drives me bonkers! And your kid is going to be just fine...I think its cool that he really has such a nice open relationship with his mommy to begin with.

Joanne -- Missy was the name of my dog growing up so for that reason alone the kitten's name needs to be changed. :) How are you allergies around the kitty? Now that my feet are clearly better, I'm thinking about picking up Amy Bento again to try out all her crazy choreo. do you like ASC3 more than ASC2?

Ok, just futzing through lunch and then bench time...
Hey Girls!

Ohhh baby it's hot out there! Nice!

Got my run in before it got hot, i did 45 minutes, and survived! I did have to stop at a drinking fountain, I was so thirsty! But i did the Duck Pond stairs, a few hills, and around the park. it felt great!

We did some Mall shopping afterwards, got kiddos some clothes, and I got to Old Navy and used a gift card... CUTE tanks were 2/$15.. they had beading on them!, Show off my STS muscles!

No stretch yet, probably won't...

Vilma: Sounds like your days have been filled! It is good to hear how you're doing, I always miss you, ya know!! Any reason your DH wants to sell your house by yourselves? ... Has it been on the market before? ... I think eventually I'd like to get CLX too, but I have so many plans for doing STS again, and then STS Cardio, and probably that Intensity cardio from Beachbody Hip Hop Abs dude (having a brain fart,.. sorry, but you know who I mean! LOL!). Some day though!!.. Hey don't forget to look on Amazon. they have a lot of beachbody workouts there too.

Beth: It does feel discouraging at first not to be able to handle the big weigths, I got kind of afraid a few times, thinking I was going to injure myself. I don't like that feeling either. But, it's not bad enough I'd purchase a weight rack JUST for STS, ya know .. I'd just go lighter, whatever, right?.. I did read something about going to old workouts after STS and it being hard. I can verify that too! I really thought I'd be "stronger" , but these workouts are so different than STS weight work. I wonder, maybe , S&H or PS would be closer to STS? .... Yes, Greg is back to work. He was out last week Thursday night, and then had Fri, Sat, Sun off. He still has this nasty cough (it hurts me head when he coughs!), but he feels much better. He hates his antibiotics, but he's been taking them (with me shaming him into it..LOL!). ... I do have something going on. It's sinus related, but it's not huge and it doesn't get worse. I almost think it's allergies. ... 4DS cardio is crazy , isn't it? JUST 30 mins, but kicks your butt!

Joanne: Glad I'm not the only cold one! LOL!! ..I'm NOT cold today though. (91 here!) The kitty sounds so cute! I've always wanted to name a pet Ozzy. There are so many cute kitty names, but in the end, you always call them "Kitty"!! I guess I was thinking a boy cat is better because he can't get "knocked up"..LOL! Great step workout today! ... Are you ready for your run on Monday??

Hottie: A good 30 min HIIT is a great workout for one day!! I'm doing C&W tomorrow, and will be thinking of you!... It must suck to always be hot in CA, you should move north, young lady, north!

Got to go check my potatoes (making pot. salad) , we're having burgers on teh grill, I'm so excited! I'm going to make a ground turkey breast burger with a slice of Pepper Jack cheese in the middle for mwah!!!

Oh had to LOL at the "bending over for DH " girls crack me up! (sorry , couldn't resist!)
Chris, OMG - I'm laughing my butt off at Bart pulling his pants down! :) Sounds like a great run! Oh, OK - I get it - yes, the cat getting "knocked up" would be a problem. No worries now that we know it's a boy. My mom has decided on Peanut. Doesn't seem like it fits to me, though. Maybe it's because that was my nickname for Jameson until he was old enought to tell me to stop calling him that! ;) I love the name Ozzy - that's a great name for a pet! That turkey burger sounds delish - throw one on for me, pleeeze??? I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be for the race on Monday. It should be fine, except almost all my running has been on the treadmill, not much outside, so it'll be a bit different. As long as it's not too warm, I'll be fine.

Hottie, good to "see" you! So far the allergies around the kittie are OK. Although I stay far away from it. I couldn't resist, though, I had to pet it. I did wash my hands really good afterwards. My eye did get a bit itchy, but it could have just me being paranoid. I'll never forget how we found out I was allergic. I was at a friend's house who had a cat. I came home with hives, itchy eyes, sneezing, etc. I was probably only about 7 or 8. Well, my parents wanted to be sure it was the cat, so they decided to take me to some cat house. It was some type of cat shelter or something. Well, they had about 30 cats running around. I've never been so miserable in my life and it lasted for a few days. To this day I ask my parents if there wasn't some other way they could have verified my allergy???? A bit extreme! Yes, I like ASC3 better than ASC2. I've probably put more time into learning it, though. I need to pull out ASC2 again and try it. I have her first and could never get past the 2nd combo.

Have a good evening all!

Hey, I'm back even though some of you are probably done for the day! Chris, that burger sounds heavenly! I may do one like that this weekend! Sounds like you had a great run -- I really want to go for a run this weekend.

Joanne, you'll do fine with your run! And hopefully it won't be hot!

Hottie, keep trying to get up early!!! It's so great to get the workout done -- and it's such a nice quiet time of the day -- I love that time!! But yes, I'm paying for it now -- fell asleep during the kids' piano lessons.

My shoulder is sore! We have our fifth round of May company coming this weekend (we are so done with visitors for a while!), and so I was going to flip my workouts again so I can get the weight work done Saturday morning before they arrive, and then hopefully go for a run with my friend Sunday morning. I'm not sure my shoulder will be ready! Worst case I may put it off until Monday, getting an extra day rest in -- you hear so much about shoulder injuries and I just don't want to experience one!!

I'm not sure I'm ready for plyo legs tomorrow -- my glute is hurting again! I think I may go roll. ("roll, roll, roll, roll!" Anyone see Young Frankenstein? :D)

I loved the Bart crack picture! I hope that's not what I look like!! :D

pssssst! Joanne! I'm probably too late for you, but just in case..... I just previewed our disc for tomorrow and noticed that Cathe & crew are using lighter weights than I was going to make myself use. I'm going to try using lighter weights tomorrow -- maybe that is part of our "bigger" problem...... next time 'round, for STS, I think I'll go lighter on legs all the way through -- and yes, I keep saying I'm going to run more!



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