May 09 Check in Monday 4th


Good morning ladies...

Getting us started this morning...It is rainy here like yesterday...

Today I am starting my last week of STS with Chris...So, Disc 34 for me today!!

Be back later to check with everyone...
Good Morning Kathy & all who follow :)

Kathy this is the last week of STS for you? Man time sure went by fast. Good for you guys ;)

I have kickbox for cardio today and tons of laundry and other fun household stuff that needs tending to :confused:

Ah well Hope you all have a great day :)

Hello All! Happy Monday, I guess. It's sort of rainy here, too, Kathy. I'm still loving it. :) I guess I am a winter kind of gal.

I did Jillian's BFFM or whatever it is this morning. I guess I just don't like Jillian. It's an ok workout -- my hrm numbers were very similar to yesterday's lalofit workout, but somehow it felt like it was more effective yesterday.

I'm supposed to go to some talk at the school tonight, but Larry just told me he's supposed to go out to dinner with someone tonight -- not sure how I'll resolve that one. I have to figure out how interested I am in this talk.

Hope everyone is well this Monday morning.....

Hey Girls...

I love that it's Monday!

Work wasn't too bad WORK-wise, but I had some pretty tough patients emotionally to deal with. Last night it was a 91 yr old man, completely with the program and living with his girlfriend at home, self sufficient. He went to a Christening on Sunday, and collapsed, but came back to. Come to find out in the ER he had a dissected aorta, which is the main blood flow artery to the entire body. People usually drop dead of this, John Ritter had it. But my patient was alive and not a surgical candidate for repair. He had 48 hours or less to live. And he knew it. He's was the sweetest little old man, it tore my heart apart that he had to die this way. And then on the other end of the spectrum, I had a heroin drug addict that was quite manipulative and was throwing fits because he couldn't get what he wanted, and acting lke someone was bringing him in drugs. His girlfriend was an exoctic dancer, and she was as skanky as skanky comes.

That was my weekend at work :eek::eek:

YES! We are in our last week of MESO 3, Kathy! Holy crap. Now I'm getting all kind of nervous/sad and anxious about what to do next. Definitely next week will be all cardio, but then what??? MAY 09 Rotation looks like heavy weight focused. Not sure if I wanted to go that way. ... Decisions Decisions!!

Beth: It sounds like you're getting in some pretty different workouts for recovery week. What the heck is "Lalofit"? Hula Dancing?
I saw a Jillian workout on "On Demand" from Comcast a few weeks ago. Didn't look too intense for US cathe-ites. It was a bunch of different little "drills" (but they all seemed so slow!).

Vilma: I know, the LAST week of STS! Where the heck did the time go? Hope you're "enjoying" Choremax today! ACK! :eek::eek: But it did sound like you had a nice "party" weekend last week. I'm jealous! Haven't done that stuff in a long long time...

Wondering if it's going to rain and cancel Zach's baseball game tonight??? DH is taking him, I'll stay home with the other 2, it's just too crazy of a day to all go today...

Chris, your patients! Oh my gosh, that is each end of the spectrum! Very sad about the older man -- I suppose it may have been some sort of odd blessing if he had not come to, but you have to wonder if there was some sort of "reason" he needed to be here 48 more (or whatever) hours. And the other guy -- ug!!

Lalofit -- check it out at collage or (or even, I think). It's a weighted workout, but he uses pretty small weights, and like I said (I think), I used 3 pounders. He calls his thing a "freeze technique" and well, I really liked the workout a lot!!

OMG.. DISC 34 was a killer today for me. It was tough. Not sure if it's because it's "Monday" and I'm not 100% or what.. but I made it through somehow. I think heavy chest/back is my least favorite.

Beth: It was hard to understand the reasoning behind this poor 91 yr old man surviving , just to die days later. I think that is the biggest thing I struggle with. And sadly enough, his family didn't stay the night, which I didn't understand either. He was the sweetest man. I kept checking with him, and giving him drugs to relax him and for the pain. He grabbed my hand at one point and squeezed it, and said, " I appreciate everything you're doing for me". I cried after I left the room :(

I'll have to check out that Lalofit! Did you buy it or Netflix it?

So I've been scouring around looking for a good rotation to do. I think I might have found it! I wanted to do a bit of circuit style for the next month, and then maybe go back to GS stuff. I found a Cathe rotation from FEB 05 that looks pretty good. I figured I'd update it as I went along, like for original BM, do BM2. And sub some runs in for the cardio. If you guys know of any other circuit rotations, do share! Here's the one from Feb 05:



Hi Everyone! January and February are the months dedicated to getting off the holiday pounds. Cardio Blast is a weight loss rotation and picks up where January left off. You will see some similarities but in a different order with some different workouts to keep you inspired. These workouts, along with a clean diet, will keep your metabolism rev'd and in fat melting mode. Go for it!


Monday......Step, Jump & Pump
Tues...Imax 1
Wed....Body Max
Thurs.......30 minute interval run/ Step Heat Abs only
Fri...Kick, Punch & Crunch
Sat.....Power Hour


Mon......Maximum Intensity Cardio
Tues.....Maximum Intnesity Strength
Wed......Imax 2 Plus KPC/ABS ONLY
Thurs....Circuit Max
Fri......Cardio Kicks
Sat......40 minute run


Mon.....Legs and Glutes plus 25 minute run
Tues....Pyramid Upper Body plus 25 minute run
Wed.....Pyramid Lower Body plus MUSCLE ENDURANCE/ABS ONLY
Thurs...Step Fit
Fri.....Power Max
Sat.....Cardio and Weights


Mon....Muscle Endurance Plus CTX Kickbox (Cardio Only)
Tues...IMAX 1
Wed....CTX Step and Intervals(cardio only) PLUS CTX 10*10*10* (cardio only)
Thurs..CTX Upper Body plus 25 minute interval run
Fri....Imax 2 Plus Abs of choice
Sun....15 minutes Ab Hits plus a stretch workout of choice.
Chris, I would have cried, too. So sad that his family didn't stay -- did they just not get the gravity of the situation? Maybe you don't know....

I bought lalofit -- netflix doesn't have it unfortunately, but it is on the cheaper side, well, compared to Cathe.

Your rotation looks fun!

I did a trade with someone on vf forum, and she theoretically was going to mail it last Monday, and still nothing here. I'm starting to wonder if I have been dup'ed. :confused:


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