Good morning, ladies! I was going to run this morning -- really psyched for it, but it was raining and miserable, so Larry talked me into staying in bed. He really had to twist my arm hard -- ouch!

We decided we'd all go skating later -- he took the kids yesterday and once again they had a blast. We have a horse arena on our property that we'll never use for horses -- we just don't want that much maintenance, so.... we are pretty seriously considering getting it paved for skating/biking/skateboarding/basketball/whatever. Of course, now that we've made the decision we want it DONE.
Chris, I hope work was fine!
Joanne, Wednesday sounds good -- I don't think I'd want to jump in any sooner than that, after all my talk, but I think Wed. is good.
We went to the wine tasting thing last night -- wow. The winemaker is really a lawyer and wine making is his "hobby". He must have made boatloads and boatloads of money as a lawyer, because this place had so much money sunk into it. And, he's a pretty darn good wine maker! He's not been at it all that long, but has won a bunch of awards and it was better than we were expecting. He has a son Dylan's age, and one a little older, so he's also having some "sip for the school" fund raiser at the end of May. But so get this.... when I picked up the babysitter, her mom met me at the freeway to save me some driving... boy did she save me driving. It took me 45 minutes to take the girl home and then get back home myself. Larry was really worried about me -- was about to try to come find me -- he tried calling my cell but it didn't ring (service is sometimes spotty here). Anyway, crazy.... they live about as remotely as we do, except on the other side of the freeway. Might not use her again, though she's an amazing girl -- in 8th grade, but really mature. I think I need to take parenting lessons from her parents.
Joanne, I thought I was the only one who stopped abs at the planks!
Have a great day!