For Hardcore Extreme:
To perform all three of these workouts you will need the following equipment: A High Step, an Original Health Club Step, various weighted dumbbells, an adjustable barbell, and a medium 6ft tension resistance band. Also, a chair to lean on for the leg conditioning drills in HCE #3.
For Terminator:
Original Health Club Step, 14" high step, barbell, various weighted dumbbells and an 8# medicine ball. (I don't have a medicine ball so I substituted an 8# dumbbell. Works just fine.)
HCE #1 and The Gauntlet (from Terminator) are both circuit training mixed with cardio intervals. HCE #2 is hi/lo intervals (IMAX 3 and Low Max) and HCE #3 is IMAX 3, KM blasts (high intensity) and KM leg conditioning drills. IMAX Xtreme is the most cardio on Terminator and Viper is more strength intensive.