Massachusetts Cathe Fans?

I now live on cape cod in the Hyannis area. Deb, we should meet. I moved here last March from the Worcester area. The cape is great, we live near the ocean but close to shopping and malls. I just wish that spring was a little warmer. We go right from winter to spring here.
From MA too - but don't live there anymore. There are so many things I miss about the place, but there are many things I don't miss at all. I think I have one of those love hate relationships with the place. I love the beaches, the Cape, Plymouth, Rockport, Boston - HATE the weather the gray skys, the expense to live there. When I go home (as I call it) I always leave with the accent which is fine while there - but a wicked pain when your not there. and the fact that I haven't lived there in 9 years and still can't stop saying wicked is always a dead give away where I'm from!
COCOMAC - you may know some of my family. I was born in JP - but lived in Taunton for the majority of my life in MA from 8-18. Most my family still lives in Taunton. I just can't believe how that town is growing it was a farm town when we first moved there. Man it's crazy the changes!!!! All this MA talk makes me want to go home for a visit!!!! There are no beaches here in Colorado!
Hi,I too am from Mass. grew up in Braintree Highlands a town about 20 min. south of Boston. My Dh grew up in Hanover Ma. We moved to Maine a few yrs. ago to start a business however we go down to visit my family quite frequently. Love going to Fanuiel Hall, Pats games Red Sox!! Seeing as I live near Poland Spring in Maine it's only a 2hr. ride so I'm still close to Ma. In fact going down this weekend to Marshfield for my Dh golf tournament then off to Boston for some fun while the kids stay at my parents:) !!
Depending on when you plan it, I'd be interested. It can be tough to get to the cape this tim eof year without sitting in traffic for a decade!
Hey A-jock, I'm a Mass gal. Born and live in Salem, MA THe Witch City!!!!!!!! I love being by the ocean but it is very expensive. I love all of New Emgland. Salem is a large city with a very authentic and old time feel. Lots of history and tourists. I like to walk the cobblestone streets and look at the big merdchant mansions. Actually the North Shore is one of the best places to live. Lots of stuff, college, hospital, courts, restaurants, museums, etc. But I hate when people ask "where are all the witches?"
Another Cathe fan from Mass here :)

I've lived in Fall River for 10 years, and lived in New Bedford for 15. Living here has it's ups and downs.

The food (tons of seafood that everyone seems to love, coffee milk, portuguese food)
Lots to do in the Cape & Boston
I think my accent is cool LOL! (everyone's is different, from town to town it seems)
Diversity. There are lots of Brazilians, Azoreans, Puerto Ricans, Cambodians, etc where I live. This means plenty of great restaurants LOL
I saved the best for last: The OCEAN!!! Beaches!!!

The weather sucks for most of the year
The cost of living is OUTRAGEOUS, and has skyrocketed in recent years
The taxes
The strict 1700's style laws (gotta cross the border into NH to buy sparklers on 4th of july for Pete's sake!!!)

I would be interested in a get together also depending on location.
Hi Beth! Nice to see that someone is from western Mass after all. I think we are about the only ones. ;-)

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