
Hi All,

I posted a thread about 6 weeks ago about mascara, and what could everyone recommend ? Well, I have been using L'Oreal's Voluminous mascara in black, and it is FANTASTIC !!!!!!! It doesn't flake or migrate onto the skin under my eyes.
Thankyou to those who recommended it !!!! :D

Anna :)
Glad you posted this. I need some new mascara, I'm going to try this brand. I will have to get brown though, black doesn't look good with my extra pale skin. :)
So glad you liked Voluminous. I love it, too. And it's relatively inexpensive compared to some of the more "uppity" brands.
I have tried the most revolutionary mascara there is! Revlon Colorstay Overtime mascara! It stays on for 3 days. It never smudges under the eye. You just have to make sure you don't glop it on too heavily.

It's great! Keeps my lashes curled upward too! What a time saver.

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