Maryann-a question about your siatica


I hope it is better now. I have the same thing. I hate that I am side lined! I thought maybe you can give me some advise on what to do and what not to do. I'm seeing a Chiropractor and have stopped my work-outs. I'm thinking I can do upper body in a seated position. How long did your recovery take? This pain is getting to me, mostly because I can't do my normal activities. I have tried to walk. It feels better after a walk.

I thought I was immune to back problems because of the planks etc.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Hi Susan,

I, too, suffer with sciatica, and mine came on while in the middle of my third pregnancy. I also discovered after the birth of my third child that it actually runs through my Dad's side of the family. Isn't it a pain ? I hate it when my hip just seizes up. I find it comes on when I have been doing an activity that I don't often do, like cleaning the kitchen floor on my hands and knees, getting up from the floor and finding I can't walk. My hips don't like pushing a heavy supermarket trolley, either.
I found, though that exercise helped my sciatica, it seems to bounce back if I have an exercise lull.
I also found that if it was playing up, and I just became stationary (like sitting down for a long time) then it would be really bad, but if I moved around it would ease the pain.
I also got recommended to put a special ice pack on the area, where the pain is, you can buy them from chemists (drugstores). You pop it in the freezer and cover it with a towel, and press it against the sore area. I have never tried this, so I can't say whether it works or not ?
I got no real help from my Doctor, I have been told there is not an awful lot you can do with sciatica ?
I find sitting on a hard chair, while on the computer, can cause my hip to twinge, so I am wondering if a stability ball might help with that ?

Anyway, I am sorry I am not Maryann, but I felt I had to reply to your post because I can sympathise.



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