Martial Arts question: help decide



I looked into my town's adult education offerings and found 2 candidates - but I need help deciding - here are the descriptions:

1) Kickoxing
Get an exhilarating workout while learning an
efficient form of self-defense. Workout will
include basic instruction, bag work, drills and
focus mitts. This class is for students wanting to
learn the proper technique for self defense
moves. $85 for 8 weeks, once a week

2) Karate
Come learn the traditional Okinawan style of
Isshin Ryu Karate. In this class students will
learn all aspects of Isshin Ryu Karate, these
include punches, kicks, blocks, stances, kata
(forms), kumite (sparring) along with philoso-phy,
and history of karate. Class will be taught
in a traditional manner requiring discipline and
respect. Testing and promotions will be given at
the instructor’s discretion. Students will be noti-fied
prior to test date.) $84 for 6 weeks, twice a week.

What do you think?

thanks to anyone taking the time to help me with this!!!
Personally, I would go with the karate class. The respect, the katas you learn, the pride that goes along with achieving rank....Ive done both, I stuck with karate for the past 8 years, and will never quit. Kickboxing was fun, and quite a workout, but I think you gain more from karate.
Just my opinion :)
Karate is more of a good way to defend yourself, kickboxing is more of a sporty workout that just might allow you to defend yourself, but is not as focused in this direction.
I second Andrea's opinion, I do tae kwon do, not karate but the classes are structured the same, and she's right about the pride and respect. Sometimes its difficult saying yes sir, no sir etc. especially when you are way older than your instructors but you get over that quickly. Also, a good martial arts class will cover self defense techniques in addition to all the traditional techniques.
I agree with everyone else. Kickboxing can be a really good cardiovascular workout and you may learn some defense moves but if you learn karate the discipline and skills you walk away with will be of a greater benifit. I have been taking karate classes for awhile and love it.
Plus kickboxing once a week doesnt give you the opportunity to get the moves down that well.

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