Margaret Richard


I've recently acquired a few Margaret Richard tapes. I'm curious to know how other users of her videos work these videos with Cathe tapes.


I don't have an answer to your question, but I saw your post and I just have to say that I used to love the Margaret Richard TV series called "Body Electric". She was great and the music was unbeatable!
Hi. I have a couple of MR tapes. IMO, she is the queen of hi reps. I have to use VERY low wt. with her tapes. She does a zillion reps and by the time I'm thru with one body part, it is cooked...but good! The next day, OUCH!!

Her production value isn't as high as Cathe, and since I'm spoiled, I just use MR during endurance rotations or just when I want a change to hi reps for a time or two. I could never do her tapes for exclusively for a prolonged period of time.

MR tapes have some really good floorwork. She's definitely worth having in your collection, IMO.


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