March Rotation Wed 03/15


Good morning, ladies! Happy Hump Day!

Up early again this morning, and added cardio on top of Cathe's prescribed upper body weights. I did PS back, biceps & abs, followed by the SJP premix of step and hi/lo for 45 minutes of cardio. Legs are sore from yesterday, but they felt good once I got going.

Judy-I'm with you on the challenge for clean eating. I am good 95% of the time, but when that other 5% kicks in, I AM BBBBBBAAAAAAAADDDDDDD! LOL

Have an awesome day!

Hi Gayle and Judy and the rest of the March rotation girls!

well I did get up and complete the PS Back/Bi/Abs tape. No Cardio yet, I will wait until the kids go to school...

Judy - I wish I had your willpower! and your endurance...running for me is so hard...I usually walk very fast on an incline...

Hope you all have a great morning!
Hi girls. I managed to get out of work on time last night so I was able to fit a short run in. Since it was getting close to dark I tried something new and ran as hard as I could without going full anaerobic for 2 miles. About a mile into it I thought I was going to die, but thankfully J Geils Band came up on my mp3 player and that gave me a good pace to finish the second mile.

Because of kickboxing class tomorrow I flip-flopped today's scheduled weight work for Lowmax. I'll do the weight work tomorrow. Either way my legs are going to be fried after tomorrow night.

In regards to clean eating. I'm also one of those that when I'm good I'm really good but when I'm bad, I'm terrible. Like Gayle, I have to face the WW scale every month. That fear keeps me on track.

Have a good day everyone.
Hi ladies,

Sorry i am checking in so late. I switched my workouts around a little this week because i just got in HSC and can't wait to try it today i did ps legs & abs. OMG.... i totally forgot what a true leg burner that one was. i am glad it's over...:)

phyllis-how was the play?

i try my best to eat clean for the week with an exception of one all out cheat day. i live for my cheat days,:p
The play was good. I almost hate to say it, but maybe a little dissappointing. I didn't come out humming any tunes, if you know what I mean. Since the entire thing was narrated by song, it seemed like the music was all business and not enough entertainment. Hey, but I'm not complaining. A night out is great! Phyllis

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