Hi ladies. Wow, we were so close! 19 posts yesterday. Hottie, once again you get the cupcake. Forget the oreos and eat the cupcake!
OK, that was a really bad joke. I know how it is - I've been going crazy with peanut M&Ms so I feel for you. I get stressed and I eat them. Simple. Why can't I stop?? I just should not buy them.
Hottie, yes, there is a Paul Hastings office here. I just looked it up and it's a few blocks from my office. Small world, huh? Love how you put those associates in their place!
Well, I got the nickname jojobean in college when I dressed up like a bag of jelly beans for halloween. Long story!! Hey - no picking on the Cubs!
Yea, we do watch them lose more than win I must admit! 50 degrees is balmy here in March. People (mostly those who shouldn't) break out the shorts. Today is supposed to be 60!! Heat wave!
Chris, I say go for it - sub a Meso leg workout for GS. I'm not really into the GS's lately either. It's not like the Meso leg workouts are a walk in the park! Hope you guys get out today and enjoy the weather!
Kathy, glad the ortho went better than you thought! Those prices actually don't sound too bad. Colin's friend needs braces and the ortho told his mom that it would be between $8,500-10,000. That's just insane. I referred her to ours, who is about the same as the price you got. Ian had that appliance, too. It wasn't too bad - he had to wear it at night for a few months, I think.
Hey Beth!
Last night was just a bad night. I don't know what's going on with me. I'm so moody. Does PMS last longer when you are nearing menopause? I just blew up at the kids last night. Well, first I took Jameson to orientation. It was fine, but not really what I expected. He didn't really have to go, but I didn't know that. I thought it would be more about the curriculum but it was more just talking about how great the school was and what to expect in terms of discipline, the dress code and all that. They had kids there modeling the dress code and what they can wear during certain times of the year. We get in the car and I'm talking to Jameson and he's getting all annoyed and finally tells me "mom, geez, please just stop talking!" Like I was bothering him. I know, normal behavior for a 13 year old, but I got all teary-eyed. Just kind of made me sad. Then I get home and DH is annoyed with me cause he wanted to take Jameson. Well, he was driving Colin to soccer practice. I left a message on his cell phone to meet us there. He didn't check his phone, but he's still annoyed with me cause we didn't wait for him. Why not just go and meet us?? Then the kids just started annoying me and I totally lost it and just started screaming. It was like I knew I was being unreasonable, but couldn't stop myself. Of course, I hugged and apologized to everyone later, but I think I scared them all a bit!
I did have a good workout this morning. I did Squeeze Stronger upper body, waist and abs. Then I did Tracey's Staehle's Cardio Kickbox something or other, the new one. Chris, did you try it yet? I really liked the workout, but there were a few spots where it just didn't flow too well. Like it was hard to get on the same beat as they were. And, the cuing wasn't too great. But, it's simple combos, so once I do it a few times, I'm sure it'll be fine.
OK, enough rambling (I say that alot, don't I?
Have a good day all!