Hi ladies! Wow, so many posts last night! I have the other window open (tip from Beth!) so I can remember what y'all said. Yes, just got back from the south.
Chris, hopefully you're already done with that yucky appt. and don't have to worry about it for another year. Oh, I'm already my yearly appt. in June when I have to get on the scale. I bet I'm up at least 10 pounds. It is so frustrating to work out all the time and gain weight!! I'm just mad at myself cause I know it's my eating. I starting logging my food and exercise on mydailyplate.com again. Hopefully that will get me back on track. Teenagers are a strange breed. Something must have happened to Zach to make him feel like that. Jameson told me a few years ago that he didn't believe in God. I know he's cynical about the whole CCD thing, but he's a good kid, so I don't worry about it too much. I think he believes now. My whole philosophy with the religion thing is I'm doing all I can to give them a foundation - if they choose to follow it when they're on their own, great, if not, I know I did what I could to help them make a good choice for themselves. How's your hand? I've done lots of stuff like that - it's like my brain turns off. That's very sad about the nurse that got fired. It's too bad they didn't try to work it out with her.
Kathy, I agree - I think Cathe doesn't want to make any announcements until she's got everything in place. Have fun with your workout today!
Beth, I think it's reasonable to be sore after working out personally with Cathe for a few days!! So far, they haven't charged our debit card for that room. I was worried it would show up twice and I can't imagine the hassle it would be to get it back. Ewwww - bedbugs!! Yuck!
Hottie, I'm sure I would be like you. I'm a really shy person and have a hard time in big groups if I don't know anyone. I think I come off as being anti-social sometimes cause I'm just not good at the small talk stuff. I have to give Joe props for going with you and being one of the very few guys! Oh - that stinks about his ankle. Hope it heals fast. I would love to do a zip line!! Someday! I can't imagine working out in sand would be easy. The scenery would be nice, but I don't think it would work too well, like Beth said. Good job on all the house cleaning. It's so funny that you say Caitlyn is evily cute!! You've got her pegged!! Good haggling on the tree stump! Who takes care of Evee while you are away? Oh yea, there were no boundaries when Tully came home. I always feel so guilty when we board her. Although they love her there and I know she's taken care of. She's in a big run and they take her for two walks everyday.
Sorry for all the random comments - trying to keep up!
Took Caitlyn and Colin to the dentist yesterday for their school check-ups. No cavities. Colin asked me on the way home if he had to brush his teeth today because "he just had a professional do it and it should last awhile."
He said Caitlyn will need braces, expanders, the whole works. He said they would probably start in a year.
I think we'll delay it a bit more. Three out of four kids will have had braces. They should dedicate a brick or something in their building for us. Colin's are OK so far.
I got a new Turbokick in the mail and did the TurboSport workout this morning. Awesome!! This one is led by Janelle, Chalene's sister. She had on the oddest boots, though. Once I got past that, the workout was fun. Then I did BBL High and Tight, just the first two sections - ran out of time.
First day back at work....better get something done!