March 10 Check in Monday 8th**********


Good morning ladies...

Yesterday was a stretch day. I did segment 1 of stretch max. I couldn't get on the computer since Vic was using it for baseball stuff...Ok, today I am doing Gym style chest/triceps and Hiit 30/30...

Be back later..gotta get the kids going...
Hey Kathy]!
Hey everyone...

The weekend kind of sucked for me. Saturday was the best of the 2, but I had a foggy, dull headachey day ALL day. I did go to work, and was soooo very relieved my headache went away! I felt more fatigued than usual, but I dealt with it, because I had NO HEADACHE! Towards morning, I did end up starting to get a piercing in my right temple area. But i figured it was just from being tired. ... Greg had ended up having to leave work around midnight for Zach. His blood sugars were very high, and so he came home and the sitter left. his blood sugars straightened out as soon as Greg came home though. Frustrating, but I guess it's just good that they did.

Sunday was horrid. I woke up around 2:30pm with a huge headache. I tried, I really did, but it got worse. That shittiest thing about these headaches are , that it hurts MORE to lay down. I took tylenol, I took Excedrin Migraine. I took a HOT steamy shower. Nothing. I cried. I called in sick to work. The pain finally subsided a bit, so I could function, but my head was WICKED dizzy and foggy. I sat on the couch and ate GS cookies and watched the grammies. Even though I was foggy and dizzy, I was AWAKE from the caffeine in the excedrin. I slept fitfully, but the headache is gone today! I'm very relieved, but I HATE that I was out of work. Hate it. I wish I could have a do-over!!

I'm still kind of "hungover" tired, but I'm going to go down after typing this and do GS Chest and Triceps and then 30/30. I'm almost thinking I may run later too. Just a little. It's supposed to get pretty close to 60 today! But, my dreams may be bigger than my body can do.

Kathy: Looking forward to comparing notes on our workouts today!

Hottie: Oh my, you had ONE shitty day yesterday too! You should have come over and I would have shared the GS cookies. I'm glad Evee is better though. I think I forgot what you said her allergy was from? Our first dog used to have skin "issues". She'd get these red bumpy bumps all over. I do believe they might have put her on steroids for a bit to get rid of them, along with baths and benadryl. ... Anyhow, hope today is better for BOTH of us!!!

: Your Saturday sounded very nice! Even though you didn't get to sight see. What a treat to be home alone with hubby , huh? Though, i swear, when that rare instance occurs for us, it's almost eery/too quiet, and we feel kind of lost without the kids.

Okay, going to get myself going here. No time like the present, right???

Did it!

Chest and Triceps were hard, esp chest. OMG, the chest work goes on and on and on. I like the triceps, except the chest/tricep move on the bench with the bar bell. (what is that called??). It KILLS my shoulder.

Speaking of,... How is your shoulder lately, Beth? Cured?

Did 30/30 afterwards. You know, I guess Cathe IS right. It is one of the easier HiiTs. She does't do a lot of explosive step moves. And no butt kicks!!! YAY!!! Not too bad.

My head still feels weird though.

GOTTA get outside today, it looks sooo nice. Maybe I'll read in the yard :):):)
Good morning everyone! Happy Monday.... or something!!!

Sorry you had such a bad weekend, Chris. Seems like your body does not like your work schedule! Can't say that a I blame it. I wish you could have a do-over, too.

Hottie, how are you today? And how is Evee?

Chris, just when I told Hottie that all the hiits are similar intensity, you contradict me! :) Maybe I need to do 30-30 again. It seems like it's getting to be spring for us, too, and I know what you mean about wanting to go run. Did you guys know we change clocks next weekend? It seems so early.

I did not work out today.... got to bed later than usual last night and I just felt soooo tired this morning! I don't know what's wrong with me. Don't know if I'll manage to get something in later or not.... don't know if I even care!!

We had a good day yesterday.... Larry finished the box around the tree at school -- took forever. I picked up the kids from the sleepover and took them to school so I could go shop for Larry's bday present. Dylan rode his bike around at school, since it's flat there. Then got home much later, partly because I got stopped for a while to wait for a helicopter rescue. We have huge potholes in the road and apparently a bicyclist ran into one and must have gone flying. It just makes me sick.... it should not have happened.... the county needs to maintain those roads!!! Anyway, they had an ambulance there, but they took her out by helicopter, so I think it must be pretty bad. Can you imagine? You're out enjoying one of the first nice days of the season and you potentially change the entire course of your life by hitting one giant pothole. Sheesh! Anyway, when I got home, our friends who cook were there. There was some work done on the dining room table, but not a lot. I guess there going to spend the night this coming Saturday in hopes of getting more done. They made fried chicken thinking our boys would eat it, but the boys didn't even like that! And, for dessert they made hazelnut cookies -- thin, crisp and then made into "sandwiches" with nutella in between. OMG... they were good!!

Back to the grind here...... I hope everyone has a good day and feels better!
P.S. Chris, I forgot you asked about my shoulder.... it's great! Like new, though I suppose in some ways better because I think I learned better form. I went to the chiro last week (or the week before?) and she said "Yep, you're fixed..... just in maintenance mode now." Yipppeee...... I really think going to the chiro helped me a bunch.
Hi ladies. I tried to checkin this weekend, but never quite made it. Just normal busy running around stuff.

Chris, oh, I feel so bad for you. Those headaches sounds horrid. Glad you are feeling a bit better today. I really think the chest work on GS is overkill! Good for you for sticking it out!

Beth - I love it - your "friends that cook"! ;) We need some friends like that! Oh, how horrible about the bicyclist. They should have some type of barrier or those horse things around a pothole like that. I know what you mean about the tiredness and working out. I took a rest day Saturday. I planned to workout Sunday, but woke up so tired even after sleeping eight hours, I said forget it. Good news about your shoulder!

Hottie, what is Evee having a reaction to? Tully gets that every spring and it's horrible. We do the benadryl, too. The vet has given her steroid shots and some medication one time. We also have a lotion we can put on her. She gets it really bad on her feet and just chews them so bad. Poor thing. The steroid shot seems to help. Hope Evee is feeling better soon.

Kathy, does Vic coach baseball?

Jameson did his lockin Friday night. He came home at 6:00 am and slept till he had to go to his soccer game at 2:00. Then he played another soccer game at 5:00. He tried to pretend he wasn't crabby! I registered him for high school. They've placed him in all honors classes, which is good, but hopefully it won't be too tough for him.

Oh, I came home from work Friday and a promotion for the Cathe San Diego trip had come in the mail. DH was teasing me, saying do you want to go? I'm like are you serious? Would you care? He's like, no, go! Well, I look at it and it's the same time we will be in New Orleans. For about 30 seconds there I was thinking I would be meeting Hottie and Beth!

Today I did TurboKick (the sprinkler one, Chris!). Very fun. I was planning to do BBL High and Tight after that. I thought it was only about 20 minutes, but I put it in and realized it was almost 40. I didn't have enough time to do the whole thing, so I think I'll do it tomorrow.


Hi ladies..

Finished up with the workouts and shower. Now it is lunch...Then we have to head out to CCD...The weather is beautiful here. I wish we didn't have to get to CCD, we could enjoy it longer..

Chris: Sorry you had headaches this weekend. I am always in awe of those who can work the night shift. I can never be up at night like that. Way to go on the workouts. I agree 30/30 isn't too bad. I like no exposive stuff and the step stays at 8"!!! I made it through the pushups too. Wasn't sure about it though. They are so tough! I am not fond of that tricep press thing with the bar either...

Beth: wow, I can't imagine falling in a pothole and needing to be rescued. How horrible! Sorry you were feeling tired..Maybe a rest day is in order....Lauren takes drawing lessons at a friend's house and she always has something cooking for lunch or dinner and it makes me drool when I am there. That is why I love to slow cook. You have that yummy smell all day long..

Joanne:Yes, Vic coaches. This year he wants to head coach. In the past he has been assistant coach. But, now that his work schedule allows him to be at the games and practices, he can be there and commit to it..Oh wouldn't that have been great to go see Cathe in San Diego!! Too bad the conflict is there! Long day for Jameson..I would be crabby too with no sleep! HAHAHA.....How wonderful that he has been assigned honor classes. You must be so proud of him!

Ok, off to get ready to for CCD...Talk to you later..
It's been a weird day here. Just not used to having the day off on Monday. It feels very strange. And this is probably so bad, but I just don't FEEL like going outside. I'm content inside for some weird reason. I cuddled on the couch and watched some DVR'd TV.

Beth: I'm not sure if it's the night shift that gives me the headaches. Because I started with it on Saturday, before I worked. I guess it does make it worse though. My sleep on Sundays is not so good. Esp if the sun is out. I wear an eye mask and ear plugs, but I still can "see" the sunlight. ..... I really THOUGHT that 30/30 was "just as bad" as the others, until today. There isn't a lot of big jump moves. Even CCC is harder than 30/30 with the big huge jumps. Esp. after doing 40/20 the other day. .. Do it, and let me know what you think. ... I have little to NO motivation early AM to work out. I don't know how you and Joanne consistantly do it. That is horrible about the bike rider!! Did you see anything about it on the news and how they're doing?

Joanne: yes the chest work was hard. And after those drop set push ups!! ... that is too crazy that your husband gave his ok for the SD trip!!! So close!! I wonder if she will come to Chicago at some point? Maybe you're not out of luck yet!! (but not sure Hottie or Beth would be there). .... So did Jameson say he stayed up all night? What do they do? Sounds so bizarre to me. That is VERY impressive he's signed up for all honor courses!! Is he excited?

Kathy: My boys just headed out to CCD with Greg. They usually put up a stink, because they want to play outside, but they were pretty good today. I'm sure they'll play outside when they get home. It's nice it's light later.... Ya, those drop set push ups were tough, and THEN having to do all those presses afterwards! I started out with 17.5's, but dropped to 15's on the inclines. Ouch!. The other tough move for me is the overhead tricep press. She uses, what? , 25#s? I can't do more than 15. Again, it hurts my shoulders.

I guess we're going with breakfast for supper again ... the boys love those pancakes. I'm going to have an asparagus omelet. maybe I can find some kind of fritatta recipe I can throw in the oven.....
Joanne: OH! Forgot to tell you , I got excited about the sprinkler move when you said it! Didn't you love it? ... I think I may change up Cathe's cardio choices this week. Maybe get in a turbokick , plus I have that Tracey Staehle KB Challenge to play with too... AND running! :eek:

And Beth: AWESOME your shoulder is ALL better!!!! So glad for you1!!!
chatty posts today...let's see if I can get to all of them.

I did Step Moves today mostly because my bis and back were really killing me. I guess I worked them good yesterday doing the punching combos. I sort of half assed it though...took long breaks and didn't really push it. I got crappy sleep last night and Evee was still underneath the bed which I really don't like. She gets really afraid when she hears the shower now. Starts shaking and runs underneath the bed and it's impossible to get her out. She looks a ton better today and she's not nearly as depressed. Did I ever tell you guys she knows when a Cathe DVD ends? Since I walk her as a cool down for the shock cardio workouts she waits ready for her walk (and if I don't she has a hissy fit?). Today, she got excited so it was nice to see a spring in her step.

Kathy -- I'm thinking about doing HiiT 30/30 again tomorrow if I 'm short on time...that our the P57 30 min workouts. We'll see how my energy levels are.

Chris -- we don't know exactly what she's allergic too actually. All we know is that we've groomed her three times since we've gotten her and the last two times in about 36 hrs from when we get her back she has hives. I got the name of the shampoo used on Wednesday and it's not being used again EVER. I wouldn't have minded your company at all yesterday -- it just wouldn't stop sucking!

Beth -- did I tell you about the dulce de leche sandwich cookies I made two weeks ago? Mmmm...that's horrible about the pot holes. I can always tell the median income level around here based on how big the potholes are. Where Joe works for example, there's never a pothole in sight. You go a couple blocks away, its everywhere. Same thing in different parts of Pasadena as well. Super awesome about the shoulder!

Joanne -- DITCH YOUR FAMILY AND COME TO SAN DIEGO! :) I bought a costco bottle of generic benadryl for Evee...hopefully no need for shots. I wrap up the pill in half a slice of bread and ball it up and she eats that. But it just sucked because she was crying out in pain and SCARED of ME for the first time (I mean, Joe is just scary, but me?). And the whole hiding underneath the bed thing just creeps me out. Also i don't want to vacuum under there all the time. (maybe if I had my uber vacuum it would be easier!) But I feel a little weird trying to keep her company to help her mood and then trying to hustle my work as she sleeps.

Ok, there's a togos special and I have some time in between the next step to go get FOOD!

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