Marathon training.


Hi everybody:

I signed up to run a marathon on June 21st. I start a training program around the first week in March, sooooo I'm wondering a couple of things from those of you who have already run one. Did you do weight training along with the weekly running? Did you put yourself on a certain "diet"? Was crossing the finish line one of the most proudest moments in your life? Any tips or ideas that could help me along my journey?

Thanks in advance. :)


P.S. I'm sure that if I continue incorporating Cathe's videos that will definitely help me.
Hi Marcia,

I have not ran a full marathon, but I have ran three half marathons. The very first one I ran I did not weight train. The past two I have weight trained with Cathe tapes. I felt much better through the race and also finished with better times when I used weights. I typically use more strength training in the winter (PS and S&H) and endurance weight training through the spring and summer (Power Hour, Body Max). I have not found one to be more effective. I think both are good and you should definteley continue to use weights through your training.

As for diet. I tried to eat a well rounded diet, carbs are a must with high mileage.

There are no words to express the feeling of crossing the finish line!

Good Luck and have fun.

Hope this helped a little.
I am currently training for my first marathon in February and my training is really starting to heat up. This weekend my long runs calls for 16 miles, last week my long run was 14 and what a difference from 12 miles the week prior, it really wiped me out and I could hardly move for the rest of the day. The 12 miler didn't do that and I don't understand how an extra 2 miles could cause such fatigue. I'm kind of concerned running the 16 miler this week. What I have found so far is consuming enough carbohydrates and making sure you stay hydrated at all times is soooo important. Before I started training my carbohydrate consumption was around 40 to 50%. As the miles increased I had to consume around 65 to 70% carbs. As far as weight training I do Body Max upper body, MIS legs and days that I don't run I try to get in circuit max. Good luck with your training.

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