Mar Rotation Tues Mar 14


Tonight is my night to see Les Miz in Philly. So, I don't think I'll be an early bird tomorrow. I'll probably take the day off.

Today was BBA followed by Pilates for Dummies. I do the intermediate WO. Any suggestions for a different Pilates WO for a very occasional user? Phyllis
Hi, Phyllis! I hope you really enjoy yourself tonight. I've been wanting to see a show, but finances restrict it right now! ENJOY IT! I can't help you on a suggestion for Pilates, since I don't do it.

I was up early again this morning and on Cathe's agenda for me was a 30 minute interval run. I went longer than that. I plugged in IMax 3 and used that to guide me on the treadmill for intervals (sprinted during the blasts and steady state run during the step combos). Ended up with 6 miles in 52 minutes. THEN I added on the standing portion of PLB with HEAVY weights. Legs were trembling!

Feeling really good and strong, so I'm glad I decided to do this rotation!

Have an AWESOME day everybody!

Good Morning Ladies!!


You sound like a maniac! You are really shaping up your legs, huh? Great job!


I never tired Pilates yet.

Today I am doing Imax 2 and Coremax 1. I am substituting the interval run for Imax 2. Great idea that Phyllis had so I am stealing it! LOL!

Good morning everyone,

yesterday i did do ps chest, shoulders & triceps at 8 pm afterall. i didn't want to wimp out:)
today i did the 30 min. interval run and i added ctx 10-10-10..whew what a workout.

phyllis- have fun tonight!
i have yet to find a pilates tape i enjoy:-(
Hi everyone!
The morning was busy with chores and working out, so I'm checking in late than usual. Since I ran yesterday, I did Imax2 6-10, followed by a short steady state spin and stretch max.

Phillis- I liked Pilates matt class,and have not vound a recoreded pilates wo that I would recommend yet.

Gayle- big workout today for you!

Charlotte- How did you like IMAX2? Did I read that Imax's were not your favorite.
Good going SunnyD on fittin in the WO yesterday.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Success is acheived by early preparation
G'day girls. I was on my way out the door to run this morning and the skies just opened up. Went back upstairs to change to indoor workout attire/shoes and decided on Blast Mania from IMAX2. That worked out fine but I really wanted to run this morning. Oh well. If I get out of here at a decent time maybe I'll run tonight.

I got my new HRM yesterday, a Polar F11. So many new features! The only downfall is that I can't make out the numbers in low light without putting on my reading glasses. I tried working out with my reading glasses but that lasted about 3 minutes. I guess this'll cure me of obsessing over the numbers.

Gayle: I bow to your killer workout this morning. 6 miles and a leg workout! Yowza.
Hi all of your workouts are amazing! You are all so dedicated...

as I sit here with my running shoes on staring at my treadmill thinking of any excuse not to start!

I am bummmed because I have been eating clean (like 90%) and working out and I look heavier...I just cant win...I don't weigh anymore because that wreaks havoc on my mind...

as my hubbie can sit in bed every night and eat girl scout cookies and hardly put on weight...If I ate like him I would be 20 pounds heavier...

I know I cant give up but just bummed that I never seem to make headway - I only want to lose about 7 pounds!!!!!

well, you are all an inspiration! Off to the treadmill
Judy-HANG IN THERE! Do NOT give up or give in to temptation of any kind. It takes time, it really does. Before I started this rotation, I was doing Freestyle training and I wasn't seeing even the SLIGHTLEST results in my clothes. I was shedding pounds, as I weigh-in at Weight Watchers weekly, but mentally I was MAD that my clothes weren't fitting any better. BUT...lo and behold, by week #4, it just seemed to start melting away!

DOMS is starting to set in on my lower half! LOL. Guess I deserve it, though, AND OH, HOW I LOVE IT! LOL

Great job, ladies, with this rotation! Keep up the good work.

I really appreciate having you guys around to keep me accountable!

thanks girls - I appreciate the support...I did finish 3 miles on the treadmill...after putting it off for so long which is sooo dumb since I know I have to and will eventually do it!

Now if I could control my eating better - I said I eat pretty clean most of the time - well tonight I order vegetable soup (good huh?) but then a HUGE muffin came with it and like a moron, I ate the whole thing...geesh - when will I ever learn????

I wont give up - but listening to my DH eat thin mints in bed every night is getting quite annoying...especially since I would gain 50 pounds if I ate like he - I gave away the rest of the Girl Scout cookies! He was a tad upset - but dang it- if I can't eat them why should he?!!!!

thanks for all the support..I need to get my exercise over with much earlier in the day like most of you do.

I am going to try to post here in the AM and hopefully have finished my workout by 7am! Lets see if I can do it..


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