Mar 31 Lower Body Rotation

Hi Ladies.....Today is KPC for me. Energy is feeling low, so I hope it picks up. Monday morning, I am measuring. I get very nervous before the scale and the tape measure. Well, I will do it on Sunday morning, that is when my weigh-in day for WW's is. Talk to you soon.
Hi Ladies,

It was Imax 2 and PP for me last night. Great workout. I did the whole PP workout instead of the 2 sets of upper body. It is really a fun workout. I felt it too. I like the leg section too...

Teddygirl, the most I know about freestyle training is you work the lower body 4-6 times a week and upper body 2 times a week for at least 20 minutes. rcook posted her rotation in the rotation forum. I need to read up on this sort of training some more.

I want to stick with this rotation for another month though.

I hope everyone is feeling youthful today... :D It is almost the weekend!!!

Have a good one ladies...


Oh yeah, it is a 3-4 mile run and L&G for me tonight. Not sure if it will be L&G, PLB, or LL. I already did L&G through once and part of it with a premix in KPC so I thought maybe I should do a different leg workout..
Morning everyone.

Woke up late this morning so I only did intervals 1-5 from IMAX2, and an ab segment from Firm 5 day abs. I will run at lunchtime to round it out. I am exhausted and my legs feel like lead. Maybe it is the weather here, rainy and dreary. On these kinds of days, I just want to curl up with a good book. Anyway, tomorrow is Boot Camp and then Sunday a rest day.

Candi, I am working on the numbers now and will post when I have them figured out. Still not sure about what I am supposed to eat and what I shouldn't be eating. I doubt, I will go as low as 995 even on my minimal days. That isn't enough when you are doing Cathe workouts.

Have a great day.

- Shopgirl

Thank you for the information Beverly, I’m looking forward to it. I stepped on my scale this morning and I’m down 2 lbs. I was expecting more but…………I’ll take that ;o)

After I finished my workout last night, I realized that I’m starting to get bored. So, I decided to change things up a bit.

This Sunday, ends my 4th week of L&G. I’ll be starting Slow & Heavy just for a few weeks. For some reason I never work these tapes they just sit on my shelf collecting dusks <g>

Tonight is Legs & Glutes & 30 min jog.

Today, I put my first week S&H rotation together, it goes like this: What do you guys think of this?

Sunday: 4 mile jog & S&H /Triceps & Biceps
Monday: 4 mile jog & S&H Chest & Back
Tuesday: S&H / Legs & Shoulders
Wednesday: Imax 2 & Abs
Thursday: 4 mile jog & S&H /Triceps Biceps Chest
Friday: PLB & Abs
Saturday: Cardio Kicks & Stairs (8x’s)

Yesterday was SJP, and today is my rest day. I did take my measurements this morning. I have lost 3/4" off each thigh, and 3/4" off my hips, plus 4.5 lbs. total in one month doing this rotation, and WW's. I am happy!!!!!

Tomorrow is UB of some sort, not sure what I will do. Have a great day ladies.

I have another question, for one of the Ub days, do you think I can sub in all of the UB work from TimeSaver??? I just really like change, but I also do not want to hamper my results. I thought maybe it would be too much of an endurance workout???

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