making the 3-pound jump

Michele S

Hi all!

Does anyone have any suggestions for making the jump from 5 to 8 pounds or 12 to 15 pounds? There are a lot of exercises where I know I should increase my weight, but that increase really does me in after a few reps!

Those soft wrist weights (usually 1 and a half pounds each) are handy to help in the transition. I used to wear them on my wrists, and hold my 10 pounds, say, before I was ready to go heavier. Or, you can sometimes get slim one pound dumbells you could hold along with your 5 or 12, to up the poundage by one pound.

Hi Michele,

When I first transition to a heavier weight like that, I find that I end up starting a set with the heavier weight and then dropping down to my usual lower weight partway into the set if I'm hitting muscle failure too soon.

For example: Going from 10lbs to 15lbs dumbells for biceps (I don't have 12 pounders). I'll start with 15lbs and go as far into the set as I can, even if it's only 3 reps, and then pyramid down to 10lbs for the rest of the set (you may only miss 1 rep during the switch). I'll do this for every set if I can. Eventually, I'm able to to do a full set of 15lbs.

Hope this helps.

What Gayle is describing is called "Drop Sets". If you have PUB/PLB Pyramid, you could do this... using pyramid up Premix and selecting only 1 weight for the sets.

I also use Platemates which are weighted magnetic weights for your dumbells. They are well worth the money. You can get them at for $20/pr. I think you are supposed to use a pair for each dumbell, but I don't. I use a 2.5lb platemate to make a 15lb dumbell to 17.5 lb. They also have 1.25 lb and 0.625lb platemates.
Hi Michele,

I have 1# weights. They are small enough to hold in your hand along with the 5 or 12'ers.


I also vote for PlateMates! Mine are 1.25 lbs and I LOVE Them! they have helped me tremendously be able to slowly increase my wt! I even add a few of them on to the barbells for a quick add on of 5 lbs etc! They work wonders!

Thanks for the tips! I think I'll be making a PlateMates purchase. I had heard of them a while ago and forgot what they were called, but that sounds like exactly what I need!
RE: Thanks!

Michele~Platemates are great! They are very useful for small increases especially for small muscle groups such as BIS & TRIS! I love my 1.25 set and I, too, also use only ONE platemate on a dumbbell. It works just fine. I also add them to my weight plates on my barbell too.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I second (or is that third or fourth?) the recommendations for Platemates. 3# is a big jump for biceps and triceps, and also for shoulders. Many weight training books recommend not increasing my more than 5% for upper body and 10% for lower body. Of course, that's not always possible, but you've gotten some good recommendations for working your way up.

Another thing to try would be to make increases in exercises where you are using a barbell, since you can buy 1.25# weight plates, or even get some large washers at the hardware store (weigh them, though, as they are not all the same weight) to micro-load (going up by very small increments that your body doesn't really notice as much). Since the additional weight is divided by two, you would only be going up 1.25# per arm. (1.25# rubber-coated weights are available through they are in the section with the Troy Lite Barbell set).
Plate Mates Question

For those of you who use and recommend Plate Mates, do they work on any kind of dumbbell, or just the solid metal kind? Right now the dumbbells I'm using are coated with either vinyl or neoprene, and I'm wondering if Plate Mates will work with them??

Sarah :)
Hi Sarah!

I have three pairs of vinyl dumbbells and the plate mates worked on two of them??? The third was was just SLIGHTLY rounded so I guess it didn't make enough good contact to stay on. I was a bit nervous about the two that did because the mate seemed to extend over a bit. I think I would be leary using them on the vinyl. (Especially lying on my back with them up in the air!:eek:) They would be fine for bis & tris and maybe shoulders. Sorry, I don't think I was much help. Maybe you could take your weights to the store with you and give them a try? Good Luck. They are great!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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