Makeup for Acne-Prone Skin?


Hey! A couple of months ago, I posted a question asking advice for acne. Thank you all for your suggestions, as I am doing wonderfully now! Going on birth control has been fantastic. In one month, there was a complete turn around, and I'm not suffering many side effects. I am slightly more emotional during TTOM, and my boobs have gotten bigger :7 (I'm normally quite small). I am using Elicina for the scarring on my chin, and it is working some. My next question is what makeup would any of you recommend for my kind of skin? Even though I'm doing better with the cystic acne, I'm still prone to blackheads on other pimples.


Hi Sara,

You may want to check out the book Don't Go To The Cosmetics Counter Without Me by Paula Begoun. In it she evaluates hundreds of different cosmetics lines, both skincare and makeup and rates products on their ability to do what they say they will do. She also has a section of best products and breaks down foundations according to skin type. I have been a fan of her work for many years and have found her recommendations to be right on. I used to have moderate acne and through her recommendations have managed to bring it under control and have my skin look the best it ever has.

Good luck,
I have had good luck with Bare Minerals makeup. I ordered a starter kit off of an infomercial, of all things. But it really is neat stuff. Its all powder and all natural minerals, no chemicals to mess with your skin. It took a little practice to get it on right, but now I don't know how I ever used anything else. Try searching for Bare Minerals online, you might want to check it out. Good luck!

Bare Minerals for me too. Love it, love it, love it. If you live on the west coast you could visit a boutique. The locations are available on the website - Otherwise, I think they sell through QVC. Good Luck!
Wow, thanks guys. I've never even heard of that kind of makeup, and I thought I had researched it all :) I'll check it out, and if you don't mind, probably ask a few more questions when I do :)

Thanks again

Ok, yup, definitely need help here :( . I think I am mostly interested in a foundation and eyeshadow or liner (my eyes have been reacting to a lot of stuff lately). Do you guys use any of the concealer or powder on top of the foundation? And how quickly do you go through the makeup if you wear it most days? AND (hehehe sorry) how do you know which colors work for you? Ok, I think that's it for now, thank you. Unfortunately, I'm not on the West Coast, so I can't go to a boutique... Oh, wait, one more - how is the coverage? does it cover acne scars?

Thanks again!!

Hello again Sara,

Bare Minerals is a powder foundation that you swirl onto the skin with a brush. While this is not one that I have
personally used, I have friends who swear by it. When considering a foundation you might want to decide if you
want a liquid, cream/liquid to powder, stick, or powder foundation. It has been my experience that the
most coverage comes from either liquid or cream/liquid to power foundations. I have
all of these types of foundations and use which ever one depending on a) what type of coverage I want for the
day, and b) what my skin is looking for. When my skin is drier I tend to go for a liquid foundation, more
combination, a liquid to powder. When I just want a natural finish I go for my powder foundation (BTW, a poweder
foundation can provide more coverage if applied with a sponge than with a brush). As far as picking the right
color that can be tricky with drugstore or mass market brands because often there are no testers and the color
on the box is not true to the product inside. If you purchase at a department store then you can have the
foundation applied, feel the consistency etc., and wear it for a while. Often the return policy will allow you to
return it if you break out (but check with each line as they have individual policies that are not always the same
as the store's). While the book I mentioned in my previous post on this thread can't help you out with matching an appropriate color for you, it may help you narrow down particular brands and types of foundations for you to

The eye irritation from eyeshadow and pencils is perplexing. Are the ones you are using old? That might require
trial and error too. Also, don't be afraid to use a deep eyeshadow as a liner. All you would need would be a
narrow tipped brush to do so. And remember that mascara gets easily funked out by bacteria and should
be replaced every 6 months!

I can be a bear trying to find the right makeup, especially foundation. I would encourage you to be
patient with the process, try a bunch of different ones, and go for the one you feel most comfortable in.

Good luck,
Another vote for Bare Escentuals (also known as Bare Minerals)!!! I refuse to use the other stuff anymore! This just feels SO much better and looks SO much more natural. I can't get enough of it! You MUST try it, because if you DON'T end up liking it as much as the rest of us do, you can ALWAYS return it, no questions asked. If you're HALF as happy as I am with it, BELIEVE ME it will be WELL WORTH YOUR WHILE. :)
I looked at the website for bare minerals and I couldn't decide which color foundation to use. How do you decide? Did I miss something on the website that gives a better indication of color choice?

Thanks guys, for all of the suggestions. I went ahead and told my mom to look for the book by Paula Begoun for my b-day and also ordered a foundation and mineral veil from Bare Minerals/Escentuals :) Whewww! Expensive, but hopefully it's worth it :) I forgot to order a brush, though, so can I apply it with something else? A sponge, like Sabine suggested? Also, how long does it usually take you to get the makeup? I leave in two weeks so I'm cutting it close ... want makeup for my trip :) I so vein }( .

Oh, and you know, as for my eyelids reacting to stuff, I have NOOO idea what it is and it's so frustrating. I have been to two eye doctors in the last few months trying to figure it out. One said it was an infection, the other said it was irritation. I've stoped using eye creams, makeup, and have been taking extremely good care of my contacts (if I wear them at all) to try to figure this out. Nope, they still swell in the mornings. But since I stopped using heavy creams, they haven't gotten nearly AS bad as they used to. Yesterday, I asked the doctor for antibiotics again, just in case it is an infection that wasn't taken care of the first time, and I am trying different contacts.

It's been hard to wear no makeup, because of my eyes and my acne. I feel naked :\, so I hope all of this helps.

Thanks so much again :) Hope you dont' mind if I send more questions when I get the makeup.


Hi Sara.

Check out Linda (Dr. Fang) is dermatologist in the San Francisco bay area who makes excellent skin care, treatment, and makeup products. I highly recommend a product called Zinc-O creme. The tinted version is a combination sunscreen, moisturizer, foundation, and anti-reddening treatment that Dr. Fang created for her adult acne patients. I also like her Lactic Acid acne treatment.


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