Major setbacks!!:(


Hurt my knee, strained my quad muscle then have been sick! I havent worked out in 2 1/2 weeks! I was in the middle of week 3 of hypertrophy. Any suggestions on where i should start back up???
Thanks so much
2 options

If it were me, I would probably start the mesocycle over from the beginning. Since each mesocycle is supposed to build on itself, I would want to experience the whole thing in a row. But others on this site, including some SNM posts, have said to start with the week you were on when you stopped (so week 3), and then just keep going into the next mesocycle without a rest week. I think either way you would be just fine and see plenty of results. Good for you for taking off the needed time to heal properly -- I'm sure you did your body a favor in the long run. Good luck!
wow, geez i'm so sorry to hear about your setbacks! i would start over if it were me, particularly because of those quad and knee injuries. i'd want to start over and also start back slowly and conservatively. good luck and good health to you.

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