Major arch problems


Hi, Cathe et al,

For the past several months, I have been experiencing severe pain in my left foot's arch at certain points during both hi/lo and step workouts. I'll be done with the warm-up and well into the first or second segment of a workout, and then suddenly, the pain creeps in, and eventually is excruciating. During some workouts, however, the pain never comes... So, I'm just curious as to what may be causing this problem... My shoes? I need new ones, but I use socks with arch-protective bottoms, so I'm not sure that's the problem. Could it be something more serious?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!! :)

Thanks, and take care,
I'm not an expert, but...

It sounds as if you may have plantar fasciitis or a related overuse injury. I would recommend that you get evaluated by a physiotherapist (preferably someone specializing in sports injuries -- you should be able to get a recommendation from your GP). He/she will give you a diagnosis, and some exercises. You mentioned that you need new shoes; you should tell this to the physiotherapist as well, and get a recommendation for what kinds of shoes are best for your problem. Who knows -- new shoes may be all you need! I don't know if the socks with arch-protective bottoms are really providing you with that much support. Please do see someone about this, because if you don't do anything the problem is likely to get worse! Good luck and I hope it is better soon.

Arch problems


A few years ago my left arch collapsed due to stress caused by running. My arches are very high which translate into not absorbing shock very well. I now wear custom orthotics which correct the tendency of my foot to roll to much inward (overpronate). There is an arch by Spenco called the Graphite Arch which might help if you don't wish to have custom orthotics made. I would recommend seeing a podiatirst for a correct diagnosis. Be kind to your feet! Foot problems can manifest themselves in lots of other body parts!
Hi Amy!

Although I am no doctor is does indeed sound like the onset of plantar fascitiis(I just answered a post concerning this a few days ago). Before I point out some things, I would just like to say that you really should have it looked at by a specialist(especially since you said that it has been going on for a few months). They will evaluate the situation and offer you a solution based on what they find. If it is plantar fasciitis, they will most likely offer you an orthodic to keep your foot from over pronating(if it is)and/or to offer better arch support. Something you can do right now to see if it helps(since it can't hurt)is to place a doughnut or horseshoe shaped cushion pad in the heel of your shoe. Also, you may just want to check on the following things:

1) Making sure that you wear shoes that offer good arch support and are not too stiff. Also, replace them every three to 4 months(if you workout atleast 4 times per week).

2) Making sure that you are rolling down through your foot by landing toe, ball, heel and not only jumping on your toes.

3) When stepping, you want to make sure your entire foot is on the platform at all times. If you get into the habit of letting your heels hang of the edge of the step, you will stress your arches.

Hope this helps. Good Luck!
arch problems

Hi Amy,

I just wanted to add that I had the same problem a few years ago and the doctor said a stress fracture can also cause these symptoms. Luckily, I didn't have one. What I found that worked was using those over the counter ankle supports with the heel part pulled a little higher on my foot so it didn't touch the middle of my foot on the bottom. I also got one of those rolls of sticky, ace bandage type material and wrapped it a few times around the ball of my foot for extra padding. This seemed to help me quite a bit. I didn't know about the other options at the time. But, I agree,you must see a doctor.
Thank you all!

Thanks so much for all your suggestions. They've been a tremendous help to me. I am planning on seeing a doctor next week about this, since I'll be tackling school matters this entire week. I am also going to purchase new shoes sometime this week... I'm leaning toward Rykas or Adidas. Are there any shoes out there specifically designed for people with higher arches and for crosstraining as well? Any suggestions would be so appreciated. :)
Thanks again! And Cathe, I CAN'T WAIT for your new videos!!
Take care,

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