maintining metabolism



Hi everyone! I had bunion surgery on Jan. 26, and it's been 3 weeks now since I've done any cardio. I still have another couple of weeks before I'll even be able to walk. Well, my legs are becoming very flabby, and the cellulite is becoming more noticeable as the muscle decreases. The only exercise I've been doing is upper body weightlifting and abs. Is there anything else you can think of to get my metabolism back where it was 3 weeks ago?
Another question: I normally do about 10-15 min. of abs a day, but lately, I've been doubling the amount. Is this overkill? Or is 15 min. all anyone really needs?
Ab wimp chiming in

Um...I'm not a fitness pro, but it seems to me that 10-15 minutes DAILY is too much already. Abs need rest like all your other muscles, and 10 minutes on alternate days--using a variety of ab exercises--seems more reasonable. And you won't ever see that "sixpack" anyway unless your tummy fat is reduced to a minimum, so you may (must!) be in way better shape than you think! Barb L.
I feel for you

Hi! I'm not exactly sure what your procedure for bunionectomy was, whether you have a pin sticking out or not (sorry to be graphic). But have you been able to do lying legwork or stationary squats and plies? I've had bunion surgery twice, it was internal fixation so I didn't have any pins sticking out and MIS-upper body was about the only the that kept me sane along with modifications of the lower body and floorwork for the Firm. Just wondering if you are able to do this as working the larger muscles of your body really goes a long way to boost metabolism. I also agree that the abs your doing is probably an upper limit of what's OK and may be bordering on overkill. But take care and get better soon-don't worry the wait really makes you appreciate Cathe EVEN MORE (if there is such a thing)!! (sorry to be long)
take care

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