M&F HERS Latest Issue....

Hi everyone,
Stacy your exercises look great. Here's what I'm planning to do for circuit:


Back: reverse flys
Chest: dumbell chest fly
Quads: one-legged squats and leg extension(on my Noridic Trak Ultralift)
Hams: standing one-leg curls (on Ultralift)
Bicep: standing dumbbell curls
Tricep: overhead dumbbell extension
Delts: military press


Back: one arm dumbell row
Chest: barbell chest press
Quads: Static lunges and leg extension
Hams: standing one-leg curls
Bicep: supinating dumbbell curls
Tricep: kickbacks
Delts: dumbbell lateral raise


Back: lying lat pullover (S&H) - thks for idea Stacy!
Chest: seated machine press (Ultralift)
Quads: squats and leg extension
Hams: standing one-leg curls(I love these!)
Bicep: hammer curls
Tricep: cross body kickbacks
Delts: Arnold press

I have a Nordic Trak Ultralift which I can make use of. I love leg extensions so I will add these and do 2 quad exercises. In addition, at the end of each workout I will do inner-thigh lifts like in PS-SLA, and I am going to make up some ab routines from exercises I find in my M&F Hers issues(I love reading through old issues!).

For my recreational cardio on Sunday, dh&I are taking our 2 kids in the double jogger to go run/walking on a trail that has some nasty hills. It should take about an hour. Hopefully it will be nice out so we can do this; otherwise I'll have to stay inside and figure out some other, not-to-recreational cardio.
:) Candice
Thanks I got it today at Barnes and Noble - it looks great :)

VERY MOTIVATIVNG - now to get some time to read it (you know how Saturday errands can be)

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