M&F 100 rep workout


Lori, aka dsaxton, mentioned she did the 100 rep leg workout in the other M&F post. But since most of those posts were about the 8 week program I start a new one.

Lori, what did you do? I did it this morning too. I did:

- 4 sets of 100
- holding 3 pound dumbbells for a total of 6 pounds
- note that with 100 reps per leg this is really 800 reps!
- this took half an hour itself

- 4 set of 100
- used an empty bar- about 6 pounds I'd guess


SUPERSET of 2 exercises:
- 3 sets of 100 with 10 pounds total
- 3 sets of 100 with 16 pounds total

By this time another half hour had passed and I had to get ready for work. This is why I only did 3 sets. I did a quick stretch for the quads and hip flexors in between sets.

It felt midly aerobic. Not as tough as a Cathe tape. No where near CTX LL which leaves you gasping for air. I wonder how many reps are in that tape???

My legs were a little shaky in the shower while trying to balance on one and shave my legs. Now they feel fine. Ask me tomorrow. If I try this again, I will go a little heavier. But it was sort of boring.

Any one else have any thoughts?

My main concerns with this 100 rep workout is the risk of overuse injury to the joints especially with the number of sets you are doing. Also, you are probably going to be throwing some sort of cardio on top of this workout which will stress your joints further depending on your mode of cardio. You may not feel it now, but you could start doing some damage if you follow this program on a regular basis. I would monitor for signs of aches and pains in the joints.
Holy Cow!!!! You did more than I did!!! The part where Kim Lyons talks, she said you could break it into sets of 20 reps, and do it like cicuits. That is what I did. I did 20 squats w/ 8 lbs., 20 reverse lunges w/ 5 lbs., 20 scissors, they say power lunges, I did like Cathe's scissors, 20 front lunges w/ 5 lb. weights, and 20 squats with toes pointed in with 8 lb. weights. I did this cycle 5 times. I was really breathless!!! I rested for 45 sec. between sets. My buns are very sore, and my knees bothered me the next day, but I think I am going to give it a try again today.
I want to remind everyone that I didn't make this up. It was listed in a magazine and endorsed by reputable fitness competitors. That said, I had the same concern. It got me wondering if this was harder on the joints than an hour of stepping, which is how long the workout took. Given that I didn't do any cardio. I am thinking it probably is harder given that all these lunges and squats use a fuller range of movement. I think the magazine suggested it could be used for about 2 months or so. Jeanne
Lori, I will have to go back and look at the article again. Your way of doing it wasn't the take I had after reading the article. But it does seem safer.

You did a total of 500 reps where as I did--1500--holy cow!--by doing 100 of each exercise. Now that i think about it more, that does sound crazy. The other poster makes a very valid point about inury.

It wasn't hard though at the time. But today I am a little sore in the hamstrings and inner thighs. Jeanne
I did it again this morning, and it was easier today, a little. I did an active rest period of 30 secs. between sets. My buns are sore already. I ran on the treadmill at 5 mph for 30 mins. afterward, and incorporated 10-1 min. intervals at 7 mph. It was a great workout!!!

perhaps you might post a note to Cathe when she returns to see what her take on this might be re: effectiveness and injury risk.

As far as the interest-factor goes, I think it speaks for itself!!! I'd take an hour of stepping any day....

I am impressed that any of you could persevere long enough to complete it! 1500 reps?!?!?!?!?

Sounds WAY too long for most of us to do, and incredibly boring. I'd have to put on a really good movie (or an episode of Walker Texas Ranger that I haven't seen).
I just read the article. I thought I'd do 100 leg presses on the tall box on each leg along with the other exercises. Anyone know a reason why I shouldn't do that? This workout sounds wicked, I can't wait to try it.

How about 100 rep sets on the abs? Ouch!!!!
I just ordered this magazine online. I have the one with the pink cover from last month. I don't remember this article. Which month(s) are you refuring to? The newest one that came out for May? I didn't get that one yet, but am anxiously waiting.
Faythe, this workout is in the issue with blue-themed cover, showing a blonde in a blue bikini in a boxing stance, with her hands wrapped in matching blue tape (like boxers wear under their gloves).
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-02-02 AT 08:52AM (Est)[/font][p]So funny everybody gets the same magazines. I think we must be fitness nuts. Anyway I too saw the article and started the workouts this week. I already have alot of muscle and my arms are actually getting a bit too muscular for me. After reading this I decided this would be perfect cause it's low weight high reps and that stated it would make you more lean then muscular. I did my leg workout this morning. Some of you guys are doing tons there is no way!! I did front lunges 3sets of 50 (25 each leg), squats 3 sets of 50, reverse stationary lunge 3sets of 50 (25 each leg),one set for calves. I used no weight today since it was the first time and I really want to focus on form. I run 5 minutes between each cycle and then do 20 more minutes running at the end. That was a kick butt workout. I don't know how sore I will be but my heart rate was up the entire time and it felt great. Listen to some good music and that keeps you from getting bored. Let's post every week and see how we are doing with this workout. i am only going to do it for 1 to 1.5 months so I don't injure myself. GOOD LUCK
Hi Everyone, I tried this 100 rep workout last weekend, but it didn't seem to do much for me. I didn't really get sore from it and I thought that I would. Sometimes, i don't think that I was using enough weight. I went by what they said to use, 20 - 40% of the weight that you would normally use and by the end of 100 reps, I didn't always feel tired. It was boring, you definitely needed some good music. What did everyone else think of this. Have a great day everyone. Mary
Hi Everyone,

How is everyone doing on the "M&F 100 rep workout", has anyone seen any results.

I would like to try it and would like your input.


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