Lumpy protein powder


I have been adding protein powder to my milk in the morning to increase my protein. However, it is always lumpy. I have started mixing it at least 30 minutes before I eat breakfast, and while it is helping a bit it is still quite lumpy. Has anyone else either had this problem or found a solution? BTW I have had this with 2 different protein powders including BSN.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Shayne,

I have to use my blender or else my BSN Lean Dessert stays lumpy. Do you usually just mix it in a glass?

I bought a shaker at the health store that has a little ball-shaped "whisk" that you drop in it. Shake it up, no lumps :)
Being oblivious to potential problems I do just mix it in a glass. I use a butter knife to mix it so I can smoosh the lumps into the side of the glass and then scrape them off. I am really fairly lazy and dislike the thought of having to clean my blender every day (amazing how I don't give a thought to spending 1+ hours a day working out, but cleaning my blender or blender cup daily, what a bother).

I appreciate your ideas. I will probably end up going with the cup thing from the health food store since I travel for work a lot and that would be portable.

Some powders also mix up well if you use a mason jar with a tight lid (you can buy one-piece storage lids for them). But some really need some kind of blender to keep them from being lumpy.

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