Lower Body Solutions

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-02 AT 02:59PM (Est)[/font][p]For someone like me who has genetically large thighs and wants to reduce the size and get rid of some fat and jiggle on them and my butt, would this be a good plan? Is the basic idea that you are combing 2-3 days of standing leg work with weights and 2-3 days of floorwork without weights?

How do you incorporate cardi into this? On her web site she talks about 3 week intervals, then 1 week of cardo burn. Can someone explain this?
hi mars,
I cannot answer your whole question, especially about the cardio burn part, but beginning Jan.1st, I started the lbs concept but I only work my legs 5 days, not 6. I do 3 days/wk with weights and 2 days of non-weighted floor work or non-weighted standing leg exercises and I am having really good results. It took about 4 weeks before I saw any visable outer results, I could feel strength gains in about 3 weeks, but to actually look at my thighs in the mirror and see some noticable change took 4-4 1/2 weeks (I was almost ready to give it up!) But it has changed the look of my upper thighs, my inner thighs are finally getting in control, and I've lost a "mushy" area at the top front of my thighs. It is extra work, but I am really liking the results, and besides the outer appearance changes, my legs are stronger.
I do cardio 5x/week as well, so my basic schedule is something like this:
mon: cardio/upper body weights/lower body w/weights
tue: cardio/upper body weights/non-weighted lower body
wed: cardio/lower body w/weights
thu: cardio/upper body weights
fri: cardio/non-weighted lower body
sat: total body workout (weights)
sun: yoga or stretch

The cardio varies between hi/lo, kickbox, and step and the length of the cardio depends on which strength video I'm doing.

But I am very happy with the results I'm getting, just don't expect instant changes if you do decide to do it, give yourself at least 8 weeks before giving up on it, I almost "threw in the towel" and just as I decided to give it another 4 weeks "just to see", my legs started responding wonderfully.
Let me know how it works for you in a few weeks if you decide to go for it :)
Donna, Thanks for all the good info. I take it you are working different upper body muscle groups when you do them 2 days in a row? Also, how much weight are you using for lower body work?

Since I am more cardio focused, it is my challenge to get the weight work in. Especially in the summer when I do a hard 2 hour bike ride. Maybe if I start now and go for 3 months then cut back a little during heavy riding season.
Yes, I rotate upper body split videos like either PS or S&H, and whichever series I am doing, I use it's lower body w/weights 3x/week and a non-weighted floor legs video 2x/week.

My legs are pretty sturdy, so I'll usually do a 50# barbell for lower body work, depending on the series, I'll drop to a 40#bb for static lunges. However, MIS is a totally different animal, and I'll use a 60#bb since the exercises roll one after another pretty quickly.

There are a lot of varying opinions on LBS mars, so my best advice is follow your heart, and listen to your body. I almost didn't do it, and then I almost gave up too soon. Like I said, FOR ME, it took about 4-4 1/2 weeks before I could see outward improvement, but since then, I can see shape changes weekly in my thighs and hips, so I am very happy with working my lower body 5x/week, I don't do 6 only because FOR ME, I think that would be the "tad too much" thing, and I would burn out. besides, 5 days of cardio is leg workout enough when you're 208lbs :) (But that's another story :))
good luck, and I really am interested in hearing your results should you decide to go for it.
Hi, I have also been using this as a guide for my workouts. With the exception of two weeks, as I was sick, I've been doing this for about 6 weeks. I have noticed very little change, but as I said I was sick and had a hard time working out for about 2 weeks in a row, but I really think it is working. I haven't noticed a change in the tape measure yet, but my clothes seem to fit a little better. I have never been one to stick with a rotation, but I find that I really like this one. Below is an example week for what I'm doing.

Sunday - Full Body Workout without floor work (Power Hour, MIS, Firm Tough Tape, Tough Tape 2, Super Sculting, Circuit Max) and if I'm not worn out I do a walking tape by Leslie Sansone unless I do Circuit Max which includes my cardio.

Monday - Floor Work/Cardio (Firm Sculpted Buns, Hips, & Thighs plus whatever cardio I feel like doing)

Tuesday - Standing Legs/Cardio (Pure Strength Legs, only the standing part, plus more cardio and I add in some of Cathe's ab work)

Wednesday - Floor Work/Cardio (Pure Strength Legs, the floor work and abs only, plus more cardio)

Thursday - Standing Legs/Upper Body (Leaner Legs plus Pure Strength Back, Biceps, and Abs, plus cardio if time permits)

Friday - Floor Work/Upper Body (Firm Lower Body Sculpting plus Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps, plus again cardio if time permits)

Saturday is a rest day.

My cardio is normally around 30 minutes per day. I will say I don't always stick to this every day as it sometimes too much for me and a lot of my cardio has been Leslie Sansone walk tapes. I just recently discovered her and I love her tapes. I'm really going to try to start doing more this coming up week as I'm finally getting over being sick. Sorry this is so long. Kelley
Donna: For your weighted leg work - are you doing the SH or PS legs twice in one week then? Do you hit the upper body parts twice too and still do a full body workout for your third weight session? I'm exhausted just thinking about that!
Hey Katie, when I do a PS rotation, I'll do either PS upper body (each tape) once/wk + one total body workout, so my upper body parts get 2 workouts/wk, and PS legs 2x/wk so that with the total body workout, they get 3-weighted workouts for the week.
PS upper body (each tape) 2x/wk and PS legs 3x/wk, but no total body workout. This workout in particular is a great one for the upper body, my shoulders and back really responded well to PS 2x/wk.

For my S&H rotation, I do each upper body part only once/wk + MIS, and I do S&H Legs 2x/wk, so that with MIS, my legs get 3-weighted workouts.
I know you did this some time ago, and thank you in advance! I just found this thread today, and tried the link, and it's gone!!! Any chance you can repost it, or send me an email with your rotations? Thanks!
[email protected]
Hi Karen,
Tried to email you the info you wanted but it came back. Could you please check email address and make sure it is right.
RE: would you mind one more email?

I've just gone back to read about Lower Body Solutions and am interested. I am fairly new to Cathe forums. Would you please :) email me the LBS rotations?

Thanks so much:)!!!
[email protected]

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