Lower Body Rotation Check in


Hi Ladies,

I know we were going to start checking in next week, but wanted to tell you all I did L&G Extreme this morning. First time I tried this. It was great, but I was having a hard time getting through the second set of ankle weight exercises, so I modified..

Anyone taking measurements at the beginning of this rotation?

I am subbing a couple of the cardios for runs. I hope I still get great results like Melanie. I am loving this rotation, it is lots of fun.. I start week 3 tomorrow. Going to try to do this rotation for 8-12 weeks.

What did everyone else do today?

Have a great day and workout!!! Let's tighten and shrink that behind.. :eek:


It is posted in the DVD/Video rotation forum. A few of us are going to do it. See what you think of it. So far I love it.

Yeah I'm in. I forgot on my home computer I'm Missthang and at work on my computer I'm Teddygirl. Question, can I change my password? if so how?

Today's workout:

Abs & ran 1 hour on my treadmill. Afterwards a hot bubble bath and unwinded with Sis. Just wanted to check in. Have a great evening.

Hey Beverly and Teddygirl=

Sounds like you were both cardio today! I did PLB in the am and PUB this evening.

Yep Beverly I'm starting week 3 too. I love it.

Have a great nite/day
Hi Ladies,

I did PUB today. The whole thing. I usually only do the up premix. It felt great. I also did a run on the treadmill.
I hope to get all the workouts in on the rotation this week. Last week I did not get the PLB floorwork in.

Robyn, how was PLB and PUB in one day? Was it tough? Did you do the whole workout on both?? Wow..

Teddygirl (Miss Thang) It seems like you could log in as either person on both computers. Not for sure though. Have you tried?

Well, I am off to paint one of my walls in my bedroom and then taking the kids to Olive Garden. :9 :9 :9 :9
I love the salad...

Have a great day and workout.

HI!!!! I am starting week 2, today. Today I am doing PP, 2 sets, PLB ball work, and the core work from BC. I have my measurements from 2 weeks ago, I will go by those. My hips and legs need the most work, although I am apple shaped, not a pear. Have a good day everyone!!!!
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to check in and say Hi to everyone! I plan on doing IMAX2 tonight and the PLB floorwork..

I started week 3 yesterday. I feel really good on this rotation. I am really seeing results in my upper body too. Maybe a little in the lower body. That half is very stubborn, but I am convinced I will see good results down there if I stick with this rotation for at least 8 weeks...

Hey girls!

Did IMAX on Saturday, L&G on Sunday with some abs and today was PS upper body. Melanie said she alternated with that one once in awhile and hadn't done it for some time. The shoulders and triceps on PS really got in there for me this morning. Ouch!

I think Sunday started week 4 for me. I don't write these things down so I tend to lose track but I'm pretty sure it is.

Gosh, Beverly, a five mile run! How fantastic. The most I ever did was 3 miles and then my legs ached for about 3 days. I did find that since doing Cathe's cardio work, especially IMAX and MIC, I have much more endurance when it comes to breathing component of running but I just don't enjoy it. I think it's the repetition. I have friends that run and absolutely love it. I envy you.

Hope you guys have a great week. It's spring break here in Florida and we are having the best weather. Not too hot just yet. Unfortunately, I'm back at work today but they're saying this coming weekend should be just as nice. Can't wait!

This is the start of the 3rd week for me. I did a Tae Bo on Saturday just to mix things up a bit. Took Sunday off and walked the dog. This morning I did PLB and some ab work. The rest of the week looks like this:

Tues: am/KPC - 20 minutes of interval work on treadmill at lunchtime.
Wed: am/PUB - lunchtime treadmill
Thurs: am/IMAX2
Fri: am/L&G - lunchtime treadmill
Sat: Boot Camp

Haven't jumped on the scale or broken out the tape measure yet. I think I will wait until the end of this week to see if there is a noticeable difference. Just sitting at my desk, my legs are sore from PLB this morning.:)
Morning Ladies

How’s everyone this lovely Monday morning? Well, this weekend was just what I’d expected a flop for me. My boyfriend birthday was Sunday and we started the party Saturday. Yep! You guessed it fast foods, BD cake, wine etc…..I ate like there was no tomorrow (sigh)

In fact, I stopped eating last night around 12:30 midnight, my sister, after she got off work brought over hamburgers, chilli and a apple pie for me, did I eat it..... you bet your boots I did <lol> on top of everything else and then went to bed full and miserable. I didn’t even get my workout in Sunday.

So, I have to change up my work week. Tonight, I’ll be doing Legs & Glutes, Abs.

I feel like I picked up the weight that I’d lost. I know I did. But, I’m back focused and ready to commit myself again to exercise and clean eating. Will check in later, have a great day.


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