Lower Body Mish-Moshes...


The "skinny jeans" post got me thinking....

Does anyone have any effective lower body leg mish-moshes that don't rely too heavily on squats or lunges or high impact moves???

Are you asking for Cathe workouts or any workout? When the weather is nice here I love to go to the local college stadium and run stairs. What I do is run up/down for 5 minutes, then jump rope for 3 minutes and keep doing those intervals for 30 minutes. I finish by running a lap around the field as fast as I can. I am itching to get my jump rope out I am a maniac for stairs!

Another good leg workout is plain ole jumping rope. It is amazing that so few kids do not jump rope at recess these days. Back in the olden days...we had the big two/three person ropes and we had a pack of girls who would spend every recess jumping ropes and seeing who could do the most tricky moves before getting tangled up! I have one of those big ropes and I do jump roping with my three DD's.

Anyone watch the jump rope competition's when they're on T.V.? I really enjoy watching those and seeing what kids come up with!!

Rollerblading is fantastic for the legs/tush too. Do intervals by changing leg position and also squating down low and kicking out to the sides. Just make sure you are making it a workout...push hard with your legs and really engage your muscles. Imagine yourself a speed skater and you're in a race, you need power and speed to get to the finish line. Too many people who rollerblade don't do it correctly for it to be a workout...they are merely roller skating at a leisurely pace.
Stacy, check out this link:
I just got mine from our local Wal-Mart for about $30. The pack came with a pair of discs and 3 workouts in one dvd. Gotta try it yet. I love GS-Legs and pretty much all of Cathe's leg workouts but I'm not liking the bulk I have right now.

Cathe's workouts are heavy on squats and lunges. They still are the best exercises for the lower body. You can skip the standing leg work and just do the floor work. I recently combined floor work from PUB, L&G and GS-Legs, and liked it. PS-Legs also has a good floor work segment, and I'd like to mix that in with the others sometime. I also combine the combos from both KickMax and KPC (I keep it low-impact in KPC and don't do the jump kicks). You can add the KM leg conditioning drills in any of the floor work segments you choose to do.

Also, do you do yoga? Many of the poses in power yoga work the legs since you're basically doing them from a lunge position, but since the lunge is an isometric move, you create a burn in the legs without compromising your knee joint.

Hey Pinky,
Let us know when you preview it or do the workout. I would like to know what the moves are like and if the music is good. Thanks!
I did the following lower body mish-mosh last Saturday:

KM warm-up thru combos
LM blasts only
KM leg drills and stretch.

It was long-80 mins.-but it fried my legs. I really liked it. No weight is involved so it might work for you. I just can't recall the amount of squats and lunges in LM's blasts (might be a lot since the point is to get the heart rate up).

Any way, just a suggestion.


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