Lower Back Pain


Active Member
Hi Cathe and everyone,

Has anyone ever experienced any lower back pain/possible sciatica? I'm an advanced exerciser, never had any problems with back pain (or any other kind of pain, for that matter), but approx. three weeks ago I did something (not sure what!) to my lower back, and the pain will not go away. Not terrible pain, but it gets worse when bending at the waist, or when doing lower abdominal work (such as reverse crunches). Carrying around a 30-pound toddler doesn't help much, either!

If anyone has ever had a similar problem, please let me know how you handled it. I don't think I am at the point where I would need to see a doctor, and I would like to not get to that point! Any advice would be appreciated. :)

If the pain has been around for a while, I'd suggest seeing someone professional about it. How about a chiropractor? From my experience, they're very good with back pain (and sometimes can get rid of pain that regular docs just give you medication for).
I had some back problems last year and my chiropractor was really helpful in getting over these. I had pain on one side of my sacrum while doing things like reverse crunches. I don't know if it's the same problem as yours, but I would definitely recommend seeing a chiropractor.

Hi Michelle! I had a similar type of back pain when I first started kick boxing. I went to the doctor and he prescribed an anti-inflammatory medicine and it cleared up nicely in about three weeks. My advice would be to go to the doctor. Hope you feel better.

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