Lower back pain while squating!

Tricia Haley

To everyone:

I love Cathes videos. (who doesn't) Since I have been doing them consistantly, the last few months I have noticed that when squating with a barbell my lower back starts to cramp up and I have to stop squating when I know I could go on. I'm curious if any one else has experienced that and what if anything did you do.? Does this sound like a form problem or maybe my lower back muscles are weak and in time they will get stronger? I just did Power Hour today and midway threw the squats I had to stop because of my back not because my legs were spent;( ;( ;( . That totally bums me out. I would love to hear all tips and suggestions. Thanks for your time Tricia:7
Hi Tricia,

It's funny because I was going to post this same question since I've been having this problem lately too. I did Leaner Legs the other night and kept having to stop because of the pain. Especially over my right glute. It's also happened during PH and ME. What's weird is I never had any problems before, I'm not doing anything different that I'm aware of, and when I'm finished the pain goes away.Sorry I don't have any tips for you but maybe somebody else can help.

It may be that, if you don't have a significant LBP issue that warrants medical intervention, you could benefit from increasing your core work, found in Cathe's plank and superman routines in her ab work (CTX Kickbox ab routine, CTX Power Circuit ab routine, one of the Slow And Heavy ab routines, the briefer Power Hour and Circuit Max ab routines, and the core work in the Intensity Series).

Also, in concert with that, perhaps consider changing how you're holding your barbell: if you're doing it behind the neck, perhaps try the squats with the barbell in front of the neck and the upper arms raised to shoulder level to keep the BB from rolling down (as in Boot Camp).

Just a few suggestions.

How heavy are you lifting? My back can't take more than 40 pounds and right now I'm avoiding any over the head lifting due to a muscle strain in my lower back. A-jock has some great suggestions and I'm going to try them!
Thanks all for your imput! I am lifting about 40 pds on my barbell only with squats though. And A-jock I have for about a month been doing core work from cathes videos. I also have her abs tape and I have seen some improvement all the way around but have a ways to go. So hopefully the more I improve on core that will continue to help with the lower back. Here is another question I thought of, Do any of you think instead of using the barbell with heavey weights that If i used heavey dumbells that would effect my back differently? Has any of you seen a difference between squating with dumbells rather than a barbell of equal weight? Thanks again for your imput:7 :7 :7


PS I want two bowling balls when it comes to my glutes not two milk duds!!!!HEE HEE HEE:7
In addition to the other suggestions you have gotten, try turning your toes out VERY slightly. The change in foot position does wonders for my low back.
I had asked Cathe a similar question in the past. In addition to strenghtening your core, she recommended widening your squat stance to help take pressure off the back. It does help. As for dumbells, I would think using 20's on your shoulders would be more uncomfortable than a 40 pound barbell. I think the barbell feels better on my back than heavy dumbells.
Great advice!! I will definatly try it:7 As for the heavey dumbells I probably would not put them on my shoulders I would keep them down at my side. Do you think that would make a differance? Thanks for your time:7 :7 :7

Thanks also for the advice I will try them all out. I will ask you the same ? I asked the other gal. Do you think using heavey dumbells for squating but putting them down at my side verses on my shoulders would take extra tension off my back? A big tanks again for your time:7 :7 :7
RE: Dumbbells and weight vests

Totally butting in here (not unusual), but IMHO I agree with the previous poster about the increased discomfort you might experience trying to replace barbells with dumbbells. You may be able to take the tension off your lower back; however, you would increase hand, forearm and shoulder strain by holding two dumbbells rather than one barbell. Also, trying to hold two dumbbells at your sides in a standard squat with the knees and toes pointed forward (as opposed to a plie squat where the knees and toes are in turnout and your stance is wider) is exceedingly awkward, and you'd probably weird out your back even more by trying to keep everything in proper position, taking your concentration away from your squat.

One other thing you may want to consider investing in is a weight vest. With a weight vest, you could lighten the load on the barbell, and put enough load in the vest to equal the total weight load you are currently comfortable with; because the weight load of the vest is lower down and more directly over the working hip joint (which obviously is close to the lower spine) that could decrease the strain on the lower back.

Just a suggestion or two -


I'd be tempted to view it as a form problem until proven otherwise and see if it can be correected. Why don't you try your squats standing beside a mirror so you can observe how you do them. Remember you want to keep a natural curve in the back, you don't want a straight back. Perhaps some of the cramping comes from your desire to keep the back straight? Are you perhaps doing this? Put that weight right back there in the heels, push your butt right out there, but chest looking up, and this should help you form that natural curve.

I would try perfecting my form first, without any weights at all, then add them back in later. Do you belong to a gym? Could you get a trainer to check your form for you and just rule out that this is not the problem? Or a really good friend who might belong by allegiance to "the educated crowd". At least if you can rule some stuff out, you can focus in on what the problem might be.

Until I got my barbell in January, I did alll lower body work with dumbells placed on my shoulders and actually, I have to disagree with A-Jock: the dumbbells placed, in my experience, less strain upon the shoulders and back than the barbell does.

You have to find what works for you, the perceptions of others (mine included) may not work in your case.

Have you asked Cathe what she thinks?? I would, this is her area of expertise after all!

Hi clare, Hi A-jock,

Thanks both for your imput!:7 Here are some answers to questions asked. Unfortunatly I do not have a full lengnth mirror to check my "whole" form from top to bottom. I do have a BIG screen TV that, while working out, I will try to catch my reflection in when doing exercises that I have diffeculty on. I do not belong to a gym but do know the owner of one that Im sure he would let me set up an appoint. with him to get advice. Thanks, hadn't thought of that avenue. I haven't put this on the cathe forum because I know she is busy and I hate waiting sometimes.(my biggest fault, impatience) But I might go ahead now that I have had some advice from this "Educated crowd" and I can be using your advice while waiting for Cathes.

Thanks again for "all" your advice:7 :7 :7 -This is the first time I have ever signed up with any forum and it really has been a big blessing to me!!!!


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