Lower Back Exercises


Active Member
Hello all.
I am currently doing a rotation where I do most of my weight work at the gym. I was wondering if you all use the lower back machines at the gym. I am trying to get my lower back and abs really strong because I am planning to try to get pregnant soon. Previously, I've done the plank work and the exercises on the Cathe tapes for lower back. However, I've heard before not to do lower back exercises on the machines at the gym. What do you think? I've been doing it some but I wonder if I am doing it properly. How many sets and reps do you do if you do it and also do you use additional weight? Thanks.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-02 AT 11:34AM (Est)[/font][p]The back hyperextension machine (Cybex) is a good machine if your gym has one. I would get instruction on its proper usage though if you don't know to use it already. Also, you will see some people hyperextending (bending backwards) quite far. This is not necessary. I would only extend backwards until the back is slightly arched--not doing backbends! There are also benches at the gym that allow you to anchor your feet below, belly on a pad and bend at the hips into an inverted V. From there you raise your torso to parallel using your lower back and glutes.
Another exercise, without equipment, are your basic 1/2 supermans and full supermans. For the half superman, get on all fours and extend one arm forward and the opposite leg backward simultaneously. HOld the contraction for a count of 5 and slower lower both limbs to the all fours position. Keep you abs pulled in as the arm/leg is extended. This can also be done with the whole body on the floor lying on your stomach though the all fours position requires more stabilization. To do the full superman, lie on your stomach on the floor with arms outstretched forward. Raise both the arms and the legs off the floor at the same. Hold for a count of 5 release and repeat. Be sure to breathe when doing these exercises. Many people tend to hold their breath when doing these. Hope this helps!

P.S. Here is a great link that will show some lower back (erector spinae muscles) exercises: http://www.exrx.net/Lists/ExList/WaistWt.html#anchor1945210
I was doing the inverted V exercise you mentioned. Thanks for the link. That is wonderful. I would like to see the main page of that link so I could look at all the exercises for all parts of the body. If you could post that, it would be great. I was doing it right after all.
Thanks again.
Beets, that is an awesome site you posted. I love the video clips, man is that more efficient than trying to explain it to someone!


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