lower back and left front thigh pain


New Member
Hi Cathe!!
I have been doing your workouts forever and they are great!!
About a week and a half ago I was having lower back pain and still worked out then I got a pain in the front of my left thigh!! I am not sure whether I should work out, stretch, or what?? I went to the chiropractor and he said he would help the pain but it stayed the same!! Not sure what I should do!!! Please help me!! I want to make it better but I am not sure what to do.:(
I have not worked out in 2 days but I think I will do a little bit because even when it started to hurt when I exercised it did feel a little better!!:confused:
Hi, I'm no Cathe, but last year in october I start to have pain in the lower back all the way down to my toes(back of my leg) one day I can't even walk so the doctor give me some medicine and send me to PT until now I still have a pain and no more exercices I don't know for how long, I hope you have something diferent, today I went for second opinion and I have to do another Xray tomorow.Good luck..I want MRI if you can get one is better

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