Low Max

L Sass

Do you consider Low Max to be HIIT?


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Yes, I do. Even though it is low impact, it is high intensity. My heart rate goes up during the blasts.

Low Max is good cause it's smooth chorography so it flows well. Great workout!! One of her best. Look into IMAX2 as well.
Thanks ladies - I have them all. I had just done low max on Sunday and I was thinking about doing a cardio coach run yesterday, which as you know is also HIIT - so back to back days of it would not have been a wise choice. I opted for the steady state run instead, but was just wondering if you all consider low max to be HIIT. I also love the workout, but I don't really feel like I hit anaerobic thresholds like I do in the IMAXes.


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Hi Lorrie,
There have been several helpful threads on "intensifying" Lomax. These are alternative moves to help keep your heartrate higher during the step portion in order to get it even higher during the blasts. Also, I think A-jock came up with the devilish idea to hold a 5 lb. weight or medicine ball during the blasts. Just try searching for some of these and then see if Lomax doesn't do you in }(

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