low max


This is my second copy of this one -sold first one unopened.I did the blast today and I love it my legs were wimpering in pain:7 .I love all the hardcores they are some great workouts.I will never sell any of my cathe workout's again.I have learned my lesson.
I really like LM. A lot of people think it is too easy but I find it very challenging b/c I can do it on a higher step and I really focus on the leg and butt muscles. Very fun workout!
I wish more people sold them on Ebay for less than you can find at cathe.com- but people are smart like you and hang on when they have their own copies!!

I have Low Max- it was my first Cathe video. I used to do it on a 6" step but then I got a real step and tried it at 8" yesterday thinking it would be no big deal to go higher. I WAS WRONG! I had to stop after 5 blasts and go down to 6". It was also 80 degrees out when I was working out.

Anyway, it is a tough workout, especially if you do what she says and get low. Yikes!

Glad you enjoy it!
>I wish more people sold them on Ebay for less than you can
>find at cathe.com- but people are smart like you and hang on
>when they have their own copies!!
I've sold quite a few Cathe DVD's on Ebay over the years. I just sold Stretch Max and Hardcore Extreme on Ebay. I put a starting price of $3 on Stretch Max, and $5 on Hardcore Extreme. The buyers took the price up to above $20!
Good for you!
I'm looking for the DVDs since they take up less space. They sell on average for about $30-$45- why would I pay roughly the same price for a used one when I can get a new one straight from the source??
I love low max too! I think I enjoy it more each time I do the workout The first time I did it I was following the March Fat Loss Rotation and the day before was kick max ... phew my little legs got quite a workout!!! :) Cath
I wish Cathe would make more Low Maxes in the future. My knees can no longer take the pounding from the Imaxes.x(

>sell on average for about $30-$45- why would I pay roughly the
>same price for a used one when I can get a new one straight
>from the source??

I have no idea. I have never understood it myself! I certainly wouldn't pay that much for a used DVD with no guarantee. But as a seller, I'm glad that people are caught up in the bidding, or uninformed, or who-knows-what enough to pay that much!

Even less understandable, some OOP Firm videos, like Bootcamp mix (which is hard to find) have sold for over $100 on Ebay! THAT I don't understand. A used (probably quite a bit, because the videos are pretty old) workout video as a collector's item? It boggles the mind! (And makes me wish I had a copy hanging around!)
>I wish Cathe would make more Low Maxes in the future. My
>knees can no longer take the pounding from the Imaxes.x(

Pinky, My knees have NEVER been able to take the pounding of the Imaxes does "as-is." But I just reacquired IMAX2 after figuring out a lot of ways to modify IMAX 3 to have an "intense-enough-for-me" workout without so much impact. I modify about 3/4 of the intervals in IMAX3, but only about 1/4 in IMAX2. Until I discovered/decided I could do that, I didn't enjoy the workouts (even simple moves like 16 genie hops on one leg ticked me off!). Now, I really enjoy them ! I also hate pivot moves, and really enjoy workouts much more when I take them out. It's actually kind of fun coming up with substitutions that work.

I would like to know this too as I have achy knees when I do to much high impact....the joy of aging I think :)

>How do you modify the genie hops in IMAX 2?

I do different things, depending on my mood. I can tolerate some of the hops, but not 15 or 16 in a row (which also goes against some guidelines I've seen that limit one-legged hops to 8 in a row).

Sometimes I change legs with each rep, so I alternate the jumps (turning it into something like a 1-legged ski jump). Sometimes I'll do two jumps on one leg, then switch, alternating (and doing the last 4 on one leg to get into position to go onto the step), and sometimes I do 4 hops per leg before switching.

I've also really taken it down, by turning them into alternating power heel digs: as I hop on one leg, I bring the other knee up, then put the heel of the "knee-up" leg down. Then the "knee-up, heel-down" leg becomes the "hop" leg. (easier to show than to describe!)

You could also do a jump-rope move (on both feet, or alternating feet).

I just play around and do whatever suits my mood and is fun and "intense enough" at the moment.

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