Low Max . . . . Why did I ever

think "Low Max" meant easy and/or laid back???!!!!!

I've had Low Max for a while.

I love Imax 1, 2, 3 -- can complete 1 no problem, can get through 2 even though I don't do every rep of every move Cathe does and feel like a truck rolled over me when I'm through and Imax 3 I look forward to mastering one day, but it probably won't be soon. . . I always just assumed Low Max was an easier version of the Imax triology. . . . BOY WAS I WRONG! :eek: :eek:

I did Low Max today for the first time -- I'm happy to report that I got through the whole thing but geez louise about midway through the 2nd blast I laughed outloud at how NOT easy and definitely NOT laid back the work out was!! I love it though and will definitely be doing it more often. :)

It was fun -- even if I'm not a big fan of the slap clap move. :D

I love Low Max (even the slap clap move :) ) I have been pondering getting this one out and doing it again soon. The sweat always pours like crazy but I am having fun! It certainly is not easy/laid back/ or for weaklings. Low does not mean easy, you are right ;)
I did it for the first time the other day. I struggles through it and I was doing the shortened fit tv version. What a great workout!
I am growing to like this one a lot too. I did it tonight with weight on the blasts for the 1st time. Holy smokes!!!! I didn't like the feel of the med ball, so I just used an 8 lb DB. Who would've thunk a piddly little 8 lbs would make so much difference!!! I was sweating buckets. Plus using the weight during the blasts makes the combos that much harder because your legs are even more tired!!! Oof!! I can't remember which of you wonderful evil ladies cooked that version up, but if you could please send me some Advil, I'd appreciate it, because I think I will be a bit sore in the morning.

Poor Vlad ended up with a short shuffle around the block tonight, instead of nice long evening doggie walk. Mama's legs are tired!!

I love LowMax, but I cannot get through the whole thing -- my legs are shaking and weak ;(

Cathe has a way of deceiving us....looks easy --- HAHA! Not :eek: Something to work towards! :)

I would be so happy if Cathe would do a lot more Low-Max type routines. It's hard as all-get-out but manages to be gentle on my 47 year old joints.

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