Low Max kicked my patootie


I couldn't make it through last night. I only made it through the 5th set, with two more sets to go, I packed it in. I have made it through before, but last night it just wasn't happening. I did notice I was following the choreography better, so I was probably doing more of the moves correctly and therefore getting more tired, but geez, it bums me out that I couldn't make it through. Does that make me whimp??
I wouldn't stress over it. I would say more that your body is telling you it needs a rest, not that you're a wimp. I have off days where I just cannot complete a work out that I've done before. The next day all is well again.

But Low Max is a tough workout. I think it's tougher than IMAX2 - I feel it more the next day.
I just finished LM. I am always suprised at how tough this little gem is. Like the above poster said...we all have our "off" days. A couple of weeks ago I had an "off" week and decided to take it easy. I had been following some intense rotations(I have more time in the summer b/c I'm a teacher) and my body finally just told me to slow it down. I was tired and just couldn't complete my usual workouts. Now I'm getting back into the swing of things after on and off exercising due to vacations. Hang in there!

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