Low Max - I'm a Total Geek


After being ill for almost three weeks I started back Monday with a CTX rotaion. It has not been as difficult as I thought it would be other then a little soreness(it feels good after coming home from work, putting my pj's on and laying on the couch until bed time for almost 3 weeks). Today I just couldn't stand it. We are finally getting spring weather and I wanted to do Low Max so I put it in thinking I would stop after interval 4 or 5. Well, the endorphines were running and I was having so much fun and enjoying the music and the fresh air from the windows and I completed the whole thing on an 8 in. step with no modifications! I then did the stability ball stretch from SM after the LM stretch. I'm on spring break so I had the time and it was so nice! It feels so good to be moving again. Anyway, I may have to adjust my workout schedule for the rest of the week. LL is on for tomorrow and CTX bi's, and tri's but I may have to stick with upper and core only. We will see. Just had to share!
Low max is so much fun. I did half last night after work- just didn't have time to finish. But I was still a little sore in the legs today:eek: I did muscle max after work today and now I am whooped!!! I really need to work on my legs more and I think doing low max a little more often will help with that.
oh and glad you are feeling well enough to work out.

Catherine, I am very sore right now. I will probably only work my bi's and tri's tomorrow. It just felt so good to be back at it.

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