Low Max Chaptering?


Hi all! I'm thinking of getting Low Max but I was wondering about the chaptering and premixes.

Are the individual cycles chaptered so I can choose maybe four or five (instead of all seven) on short workout days?

Collage Video says there's a premix for just the blasts! Is there a premix to play just the five-minute aerobic sections without the blasts?

I have almost all of Cathe's other step workouts but I've been avoiding getting long aerobic workouts lately since I only get to workout while my daughter is napping! Also, I'm trying to find more good low-impact step workouts since doing high-impact can lower my iron level and that doesn't go over too well on blood donation days!

Thanks in advance!
Hi. You can check the DVD description and look under premixes but here it is anyway.

The premixes are as follows:

Intervals 1-4 with warmup and stretch - 45 mins.
Intervals 4-7 with warmup and stretch - 44 mins.
Step Combos with warmup and stretch - 44 mins. (no blasts)
All 7 blasts - 23 minutes.

I would definitely get the DVD. It's a great workout.
Oh my gosh.....nevermind! I just found the 'chaptering' section under Cathe's DVD listings!! LOL, I feel just a big silly now!!

Anyway, Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Thanks Marcy! You must've been writing this while I was writing to say I found the info, duh!!

Well, I definitely think I'm sold on it now, thanks for the recommendation!!

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