Hi all! I'm thinking of getting Low Max but I was wondering about the chaptering and premixes.
Are the individual cycles chaptered so I can choose maybe four or five (instead of all seven) on short workout days?
Collage Video says there's a premix for just the blasts! Is there a premix to play just the five-minute aerobic sections without the blasts?
I have almost all of Cathe's other step workouts but I've been avoiding getting long aerobic workouts lately since I only get to workout while my daughter is napping! Also, I'm trying to find more good low-impact step workouts since doing high-impact can lower my iron level and that doesn't go over too well on blood donation days!
Thanks in advance!
Are the individual cycles chaptered so I can choose maybe four or five (instead of all seven) on short workout days?
Collage Video says there's a premix for just the blasts! Is there a premix to play just the five-minute aerobic sections without the blasts?
I have almost all of Cathe's other step workouts but I've been avoiding getting long aerobic workouts lately since I only get to workout while my daughter is napping! Also, I'm trying to find more good low-impact step workouts since doing high-impact can lower my iron level and that doesn't go over too well on blood donation days!
Thanks in advance!