Low Iron / Anemia

Another possible cause for anemia can be an absorption issue in the GI tract with diseases such as celiac where iron and B12 levels will be low. There's an easy blood test to start off with for celiac and go from there...

I second this! Sometimes it's an issue of absorption, do you have any digestive issues? Candida can also cause issues with iron absorption, so if you are feeling bloated, gassy or have difficulty digesting things, it may be a gut issue.
Have you heard of (Australian) vegemite? It's a superior version of that!!!!

The brilliant marketing line is 'you either love it or loath it', so successful was this ad campaign that things that some people adore and other hate are known as 'marmite things'. It's simply yeast extract, salt (rather a lot) and b vitamins.

It comes in small jars, you can get it at Wholefoods, about $5.99 a jar/ A small jar goes a looooooong way because you only need a teeny amount of this on your toast slice to flavour it up. It is potent, a yeast extract. You don't spread it like jam. Heavens, no! You appy it thinly, like my Mum used to say, "bread and scrape." It is excellent with slices of English cucumber on top, a fab contrast in flavours and sensations. And yes, B vits aplenty.


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