Low Impact Series??


Hi Cathe and SNM,

This may have already been suggested in the past, but what about producing a Low Impact Series?

This could be something that is intermediate/advanced level to satisfy both groups of exercisers. Perhaps there could be a LowMax II, LICII, Low Impact kickboxing, and some weight training as well. This could even be set up in a similar fashion to the 4 day split series, but be entirely low impact.

I'm sure there are many other ways to set up this kind of series and there are bound to be lots of others with good ideas.

Thanks for considering it:)


Ryan born 1/2/07
Emma born 4/27/03
Alex born 9/7/01
I agree with you Stacey. I would love to see a Low Impact Series. Some of Cathe high impact step DVD, such as MIS, is easy to convert to low impact. While other DVDs are difficult to lower the impact while keeping my heart rate up.
I think that's a great idea, and to keep it advanced.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

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