Low Impact DVD/Videos



I LOVE the low impact DVDs that Cathe has put out in the last few years. For those of us with bad knees who still want an intense workout, these really hit the mark. I'm grateful for them. I especially like the Low Impact Circuit and Basic Step and Body Fusion DVDs.

What I was wondering is if there are any non-step cardio workouts that are low impact. For example, are any of the kickboxing ones suitable? Can you suggest any cardio, non-step workouts with moderate choreography that I might use to add variety to my workouts?

Martha, I too suffer from knee issues that keep me from doing any of the high-impact stuff. I love Cathe's kickboxing workouts (Kick, Punch and Crunch and KickMax). Both have some moderate impact moves, but are easily modifiable to make them low impact. I also like Drill Max and Bootcamp. Same thing, relatively low impact to start with, and anything that causes issue for you can be easily modified. Give them a try!!
If you think you might be able to do low-impact step eventually you should try LowMax. It pushes the heart HARD but is easy on the joints.
I can't do any step workouts, not even the 'low impact' ones. KPC is a godsend for me. It's tough cardio, but totally easy on the knees. The highest impact moves are probably a high-knee jog (not too bad), or the hammer front lunges, just because they're done at a pretty fast pace and involve some twisting (you could modify and just do the lunge part without the twist). I'm unable to do the Legs & Glutes workout because of my knees, but even so the $50 was totally worth it for just the KPC. A workout that leaves me beet red and sweating, spares my knees, and has no dread factor is pretty hard to find (still looking for more :9 )
I've tried LowMax, too. For some reason, any step kills my knees - something about the angle of the step, I guess. That, and the speed. Surprisingly I can do lunges and squats and step-ups (although my PT told me not to do them a lot), as long as I slow them down to ensure a perfect 90 degree angle and that I really push through my heel. The step stuff, with all the twists and turns, is painful from the first step to the last. yikes
I can do step if I keep it at 6 inches -- no 8 inches or OUCH! The pivot turns in Low Max kill me! I just leave them out. I do like the blasts and some of the step combos are great. I like the "skip" button on the DVD for that reason! Do you have any DVD favorites? I'm looking for suggestions. Thanks.
I have exactly the same issue. I can do squats and lunges til my legs give out, kickbox, jog on cement, etc...but a beginner's level step workout? Not a chance.

I actually killed my knee with step ups a while ago, and I have an appt with an orthopaedic surgeon on Tuesday. My doc seems to think I have an alignment problem. I'm thinking that maybe this is why I've always had problems with step? Some extra info: I have wide hip bone structure, weak medial quads (working on that), possibly tight lateral ligaments (will find out on Tuesday), and I checked the bottoms of my shoes and they're more worn out on the outside region, so I think I'm an underpronator (?). Let you know if I get any pearls of wisdom on Tuesday.

My PT said that my arch tends to collapse when I do one legged squats, so that doesn't really seem to fit with the rest. Although I wasn't really concentrating on my form, at the time I was in crippling pain and thinking, "why oh why is she making me squat?!"
I could have written the same posts as you guys about step workouts and knees. Even Low Max bothers me, as someone stated. They made me realize that it's not the intensity. It's just something about the movements done on a step. If I take out all the turning moves, and even the quick changes moves (such as the squat where you move from each side in Low Max), I can do it one a week.

Kathryn has some great ways to modify moves. You might start a post asking her. I've used several of her suggestions, and it's really helped. It makes any step workout low impact.
Thanks for the KPC recommendation. I'm going to buy it today. I know I'll have to modify the high impact stuff. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Do you ever wear a brace on your knee while you exercise? I do. I have a torn ACL, and find that an elastic brace with side stabilizers really helps. It's not completely like a new knee, but it does keep swelling down. I wear one while I exercise, walk, and ride my horses. It does help. I still can't do high impact stuff and pivots though.
Yes, I do wear a brace when I'm doing leg (weights) or cardio (esp. step workouts). It does seem to keep my left knee stable. I have PFPS (patellofemoral pain syndrome or runners knee).

I also started taking Glucosamine Chondroitin, and that's really helped with both my runners knee and my arthritis (I've suffered from arthritis since high school).

If Kathryn doesn't see the post I started on modifying moves in this forum, I will start a new post in the Open Discussion (or you can).
BTW, Kathryn is a long-time member who gives EXCELLENT advice on many tips, including examples of how she modifies some of Cathe's moves.
I do use Glucosamine Chondroitin and it helps. What sold me on it was I had an old lab. She was hobbling around terribly. I gave her some G/C and within 2 weeks, she was back chasing a ball and lovin' life! I figured if it would work for her, it'd work for me!

You are right, Kathryn's moves are great! I'm going to try them tomorrow. Thanks.
Yup - patellofemoral syndrome. That's what I have to - and it is an alignment issue. It's just how my knees/legs are built, according to my PT and ortho. I take Glucosamine Chondroitin, as well, and it seems to work. I also wear Ace knee braces when I do anything that may be torquey on my knees (kickboxing or Drill Max, for example). Otherwise, I'm just cautious to maintain good form.

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