Low Impact Circut


Hey all,

I just wanted to say I LOVED this workout this morning. I only did the cardio portion, modified blast portions and felt it was very doable for me in my stage of pregnancy. (I only used the platform, no risers) Loved the music, loved the choreography, LOTS of Fun!! I will probably try it with the weights modified next time.

Has any one else tried any of the new DVDs yet, and do you consider them pregnancy modifiable (is that a word?)?

DS 12/21/02
DD 6/12/05
Expecting DD 2/23/07
I'm glad to hear that. I can't wait to try it. I still have to preview all mine before trying to see what I want to do and how to go about it. I usually don't preview but will this time for two reasons, the freezing issues and because I'm about 9 1/2 wks along! I was thinking Drill Max may be the only one I may wait to do or do it without weights and modify moves, etc. I would think Body Max 2 would be ok if I broke it up into two workouts. I did that with Body Max in the first trimester when I was pregnant with my dd. I really want to try Butts and Guts...especially the guts part before I have to start modifying for abs!!!
Thank you so much for this post! I received my new DVDs but was just sort of assuming that I would need to wait until after our baby was born (he is due 2/11/07!)because I thought they would be too hard. Then I read your post! And I tried Low Impact Circuit as well---cardio, modified, no risers--and really enjoyed it. So thanks!
Now I am also wondering if any of the others could be done at this stage of pregnancy.....???
I am in the same boat as you ladies are. I am a little over 32 weeks and I also did the LIC Cardio only portion without the blast on the platform with one riser each and it was a wonderful workout! I absolutely loved it!

I also preview the other workouts, but haven't really thought about how to modify those. You could do the upper body portion from BM2 as a workout itself, the step portion seems pretty intense, so I don't think I will do it before the baby gets here. Haven't thought about any lower body workouts at all yet.

Hopefully we get some more help from other pregnant woman.

Kristine :)
Yesterday I did the warm-up and cardio segment of BMax2--I stopped before the cardio blast section. I think it was about 35 minutes. It was a lot of fun although I did have to modify it a little more than LIC. I also did not use any risers. I am six months pregnant so some of the jumping parts just felt too uncomfortable, but it is easy to modify and most of it is not too "jumpy". I am looking forward to doing the whole dvd(without modifying!)after our baby is here!

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