Hi babes! I looked for your thread too Reece but couldn't find it.
I hope all goes well with your store move! What kind of budget do you have for advertising? I'm not real educated on marketing, do you feel you need to do more than put notices in your current store? Of the MMA, the Kbox is my favorite one too.
Melinda, we got wet snow today!
I can't figure out what month it is.
Lita, I was thinking of doing a premix of PS upper body next week! Now I'm not so sure.
I did the GS upper body timesavers today and they really kicked me hard! So maybe we're in the same boat! I think it's a barometric pressure thing because we're certainly not wimpy or slowing down!
Rhea, your workouts sound tough! I'm going to have to check out that Brazil Butt workout! And Chalene too. Lord knows I don't have enough workouts now!
Hope DH lets you have the pooter whenever you want!
I did Step Moves on Tuesday, had dinner with a friend yesterday and did upper body stuff today with GS. Next week will be my last STS strength disc for legs. I do like it, it's slow and heavy and a change of pace.
Have an awesome Friday and weekend babes!