Low Carbers Challenge - June 09

Melinda - That's awesome news on the pull-up :D!!!!!! Congratulations! And I'm glad it's not just me on the pushups. That's why I didn't pull out GS this week :rolleyes:. But next week I'm going to do as many as I can (which isn't many :eek:!) military style before dropping, no matter that I'm going to have to slow the reps WAY down. But that also means I won't have to do as many, lol :p!
Hi babes! Lita, I am so sorry you can't do cardio or lower body work!!! :mad::(:eek: I am mad, sad and shocked for you!!! I take it the idea is to get the most out of your treatment, then slowly increase the cardio and weights. I hope you don't have to go without it for too long!

Rhea, is DH coming home for the summer now? Will he be returning to Bay Area again in the fall? Does he like his job there? I know, so many questions!

Melinda, that is awesome that you are stronger!! I can't tell if I am yet because I haven't done any strength training this week. I did order the pull up tower and am anxious to try a real pull up! I hope I don't disappoint myself next week with 4DS!

Today was TLP's Core Cardio (really enjoyed it, it's been over a year since I've done it I'm sure) and added Cathe's Yoga Abs. Didn't get to workout yesterday and won't be able to tomorrow either. :( I also have a busy weekend coming up up so I will probably just veg Friday night!
Thanks, Tracy :). I hate to admit it, but I'm in a lot less pain this way :rolleyes:. Not fixed but at least now I feel like there's hope. I'm just wondering if I'm ever going to get done with PT! At least I can still walk/bike - that keeps me from going totally gonzo over this hiatus ;). And of course, there's leg exercises in the pool, too.
Say, Rhea, in case you're leaving for the Bay area again this weekend .....

Happy, Happy, HAPPY birthday :)!!!!!!!!

I hope your Friday is very special, just like you :D!

In fact, you are SO special I think you deserve to celebrate the whole weekend ;)!
Thur: GS - back, shoulders, biceps I was definitely using heavier weights with this and the pace is slower on this GS dvd. It still has more reps than I'd like for the amount of weight I used.

Rhea, happy birthday to you!

Lita, what exactly is wrong with your lower body? I think you said something before, but I don't remember. Or do the drs know?

Tracy, I think I've lost track of TLP's workouts. I should pull those out.
Melinda - I think I'm definitely glad I'm only going to be doing one upper body part a day on GS next week. I forgot there were more reps and since I want to go heavier.... ;)

As for the legs, my MRI showed a hip flexor tear (left), a hamstring tear (right), tendonitis & bursitis in the entire hip/upper leg region plus some osteoarthritis, etc in the hip joints themselves. Thanks for asking :)!
Fri: walking in the HOT, MUGGY weather (at least it was at 8:30pm)

Lita, oh, no! Is there hop of a full recovery or do you have to just live with this? Did you have an injury or accident?
Sat: B&G floor work + CM ball abs
Sun: 40 min cardio from Cardio Fusion

I'm mostly walking for my cardio, so it was nice to do something to get the HR up, but I was able to keep up nicely.
Melinda - Yuck, I *hate* hot and muggy!!! Way to go on that Cardio Fusion :D! Isn't it funny how nice it is to go to walking or something for cardio but then in no time we're missing the "same old" we were so glad to take a break from :rolleyes:?

Hopefully I'll be able to mostly recover. I think the "itis" things will come back easily if I push the issue but hopefully they'll abate and leave me alone for the most part. Once the tears are healed, I think they'll be okay. No accident or anything - just chronic overuse, they're saying. Plus I have some imbalances - but I always knew I was unbalanced, lol ;)!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RHEA!!! I hope you did something special for yourself!!! :D:D:D

Lita, if you're unbalanced, then so am I. :p I'm so glad you are feeling better and healing. And that you can still do cardio!

I went for a hike yesterday and it was a bit humid, but cool. Very pleasant actually. Then it decided to drop buckets of rain on us! Needless to say, our plans for a nice lunch afterwards were dashed due to our appearance! We settled for healthy fast food instead. :rolleyes:

In any event, I really enjoyed the cardio factor in the hike--it was different than the usual! So I can definitely relate to changing things up a bit.

I realized this weekend that I have a hair appt. Thursday and a hike on Friday so I can't do 4DS this week! :( So I'm doing GS instead. Chest and triceps today. I definitely went heavier in alot of it and hope I have more than useless nubs tomorrow morning! WOW! I was a shaking for sure. I'm sure Cathe wanted me to push that much when she made the series but it took STS to really get me out of my complacency!

Later babes!
Tracy - I don't know that I would call it "cardio" since I have to do a snail's pace ;) but at least I can do something :cool:. Did you take extra breaks during GS? I did with chest & back but was time crunched this morning. Still, like you (and Melinda), I'm pushing harder than I did prior to STS - even though I thought back then I was giving it my all :rolleyes: :p....
Where is everyone :eek:????????

Rhea - You must still be celebrating since we haven't seen you all week!!!!!!!

Jeanie - Are you still with us, sweetie????

Tracy - How goes your busy week?

Melinda - Which workouts are you planning on doing next?
Hi Lita,

My internet is out and I won't get it back unti Sunday! I'm at my mom's house now, have to work from here.

Well, I've started Meso 2 of STS this week. Mon was chest, shoulders, biceps Tue rest day WEd was legs

I feel stronger. I'm using the same wts as I did during meso 2, but they are easier. I'm going to do this whole month, then take a couple weeks to do other things, then do meso 3

I'll check in when I can.

Hope everyone is doing great!
Glad to see you, Melinda :D!!! Way to go on that strength increase and in maintaining it :cool:! Do you like STS better this time around? Are you going to up the weights a little since they are easier? Hope to see you again soon - it's awfully lonely here with no one to talk to ;).
I'm here babes, sorry!! Snail's pace cardio is better than no cardio Lita! I know you're like me in that doing something, even if it's not at the pace we are used to, makes us feel better.

I did take a couple breaks in Chest and Triceps but not alot if I recall right. I did up the weights more in that one than the other 2 GSs but upped the weights in all 3. I too thought I was always giving it my all before but I gave more all than ever with GS this week! I got my butt seriously kicked in all of them and am left with usless nubs for limbs! :p So, as much as I would like to say I am stronger from STS, I just don't know! The DOMS are pretty bad. But I guess it's all good that I'm pushing myself more, right?

Melinda, that is awesome that the weights this time around are easier!!!!! It gives me hope that I am stronger too. I hope your internet is back up sooner than Sunday! I go though serious withdrawals without my internet! :eek:

I won't be back for a few days, I have an appt. tomorrow after work and then I'm taking Friday off to go play! Lunch with friends, a hike, massage and a stay at a hotel. Have a great weekend babes!
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Tracy - Have a great time but hurry back 'cause we'll miss you :(!!!!! Believe me, I didn't feel any stronger today doing GS shoulders - I did go up a little but for the militaries but it like to killed me :rolleyes:. Thankfully I was able to do much better on the other upper body parts :p!
I'm here, but just busy with moving stuff, house stuff and work stuff. Plus it is golf season, so there is a lot of golfing going on around here. In fact, tonight is couples night, so got to go get ready for that!

Have a great rest of the day!!
Rhea - I'm glad you're enjoying yourself :D! You definitly deserve it as hard as you work :cool:.

Just remember we miss ya when you're not around and worry if it's too long between reports, okay :) ;)?
The internet is back and running! Wow.

Lita, yes I do like STS better the second time around. I am putting more into it, too. I did the legs and got awful DOMS from it. I couldn't believe it. And the muscles were pumped up, too, because my legs felt hard and stiff for 3 days. UGH!

Tracy, enjoy the weekend. Rhea, sounds like you're having fun golfing. I tried it once and was awful. Just kept hitting the ground with the club when I'd swing, it was crazy.

Enjoy your Sunday.
Melinda - So glad you got your internet back :D! I'm glad you're liking STS better this time around! Gives me something to look forward to ;).

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