Low Carbers and Friends - 4th quarter 2014

Rhea - Blame the tomato-face on not knowing what's next so there's extra bustling around trying to get prepared for it :D. I don't know about the smilies, I always just use the keyboard and type the shortcuts for them (or whatever it's called when you do it that way).
Looks like the smilies work the old fashioned way with the "tapatalk" app too.. My smilie showed up, lets see if this one does too! :D BTW Lita, I probably will get the tomato face from just rushing around trying to catch up.

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Rhea - That's what happens to me :rolleyes:. I haven't been able to do L&G for many months now but I distinctly recall having tomato face just trying to get from one exercise to the next with the right equipment :eek:!
Well, I guess we should be happy that we are getting "exercise" even though it is rushing around! :D

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Hi fit babes! I use the pause buttom myself so I don't keel over! But it doesn't stop the tomato face, that can stay with me for a while after the workout is over. :eek:

Got my dvds today, yippee! But I'm not going to do anything with them until the User Guide is completely up. If it's anything like the one we got with X-Train, that would be awesome and save me alotta previewing!

Lita, my Spri tubing is called the Xertube, I'm sure it's the original. It doesn't have the foam handles but I wear gloves working out so I really don't need the foam. I haven't heard of the tubes for the step, I might have to check those out!

The stair climbing went well! Why? 'Cause I stopped when I needed to, didn't check my time, and took the elevator down and not the stairs like some other crazy people did. :) My left calf is still giving me some trouble and going up was fine, not sure how I would have done going down. I'd like to see my massage therapist about it but she's booked until January! :( And I enjoyed a beer after we finished!

Here's to no tomato faces for the rest of the year--unless you want one of course! :D
Rhea - Indeed :D! ALL activity counts, right :p?

Tracy - Congrats on the stair climb :cool: :cool: :cool:! Glad you were wise about the whole thing :D! Hope that calf gets better soon :(! Since I still have a wonky muscle, I can certainly relate... I think you more than deserved that beer after all that hard work! As for the tube for the step, I thought it looked mighty interesting! I'm always hesitant to use the regular band because of snapping it. I've had that happen and it isn't pretty ;)! In fact, my pink band broke the first time I used it but when I contacted CS, they said they didn't guarantee them. They had decided they'd send me one anyway but I never got it and never pursued it since technically they didn't have to. As for the bands, I got a set of 3 (with protectors) from Gold's Gym (sold at WalMart) that hopefully will work for band pull-downs. And as for the weenie bands I got, they came w/ ankle straps so it's actually been a blessing - I have one stuck halfway up one of my doors (both upstairs and down) to do some of my PT exercises where too much resistance would make it impossible for my wonky muscle to move at this point :rolleyes:.

BTW - there's a User Guide for this new series? And it didn't come w/ the series like XT did? Hmmm - I haven't seen anything about that so I probably won't be able to find the guide anyway :eek:.... I will probably just wing the weight workouts when they get here.
Okay, I am going to start the RWH 30-day 'getting started' rotation. I can tell you from typing up exercise cards that there are some exercises I will not be doing - one armed burpees anyone :eek:?????? - but I will do my best to give a review after each workout.

I am thrilled to report the Getting Started rotation is a 5x/week rotation :cool: :D!!!! 6x/week was one thing 20 yrs ago - now I'm much more mindful and respectful of my body ;) :p.
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I think I'm going to start that rotation when i have my two weeks off....12/22. I just got the dvds yesterday and will be out of town for the weekend. The only exercise I've managed lately is some Zumba and Treadclimber. At least it is something! :D

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Okay - here's what I've done so far:
LIHI Legs - Dare I say a kinder, gentler Cathe :eek:???? Granted, I can't use the # she did but we actually got rests that got longer as the workout progressed :D! The squats were still too fast for me even w/ the very light weight I was using but she did enough talking before both sets that I could do them at my own pace. Just 24 reps of each exercise w/ cardio bursts in between. The plies looked tough doing them her way but I am not flexible enough - now or ever! - to be able to get the dumbbell to the floor. Likewise on the Dixie cup exercises - not flexible enough there either (and she went way too fast on those for me) so I just do what I can. But still - not countless reps like it sometimes seems in GS, PH or HR.

LIHI Low Impact One - I liked it :D! Different exercises than she's used in the past, most of them doable even for me ;). Only had to modify a couple of them - yeah!

LIHI CTS - Okay, she's more serious here! 3 sets of each exercise (12 reps each set). But other than the shoulder exercises, she goes slow enough that keeping up is no problem. I struggled on the shoulder exercises - esp the OH press - because she was "energized" on that one but the rest were a nice tempo. The finisher exercise after each grouping was tough, esp on the chest. But you all know PU are not my faves :p. SPOILER ALERT - Please note.... Cathe actually does the tri PU on her knees!!!!!!!!!!! (Didn't want anyone to faint from shock when they saw that, lol).

Tomorrow is LIHI Low Impact Two - I see it uses some weights but I'm expecting to like it as much as LI One. Also like the premixes on this DVD - you can actually do the first 1/2 of LI One and the last 1/2 of LI Two in one premix and vice versa for another :cool:. HOWEVER - if you use the premix that has the abs added in, you don't get the full stretch - just the short stretch after the ab segment. (Or that's how it was for the premix on LI One w/ Abs 2)

Wednesday will be LIHI BBS. I will NOT be doing the Plyo workouts so you ladies can just have that fun all to yourselves :p. There is certainly enough variety in premixes on the LI workouts that I'm not going to get bored with it on a 30-day rotation :).

The ab work on Bonus Abs 2 has some new variations on old moves like the bicycle. There's also the dreaded 'banana hold' and long-leg levers etc. Ah yes - and balancing snow angels :rolleyes:. Will say that's the one time I was happy my leg still can't lift in most directions :p ;)!
Melinda - I'm getting worried about you :(!!! I hope and pray you're okay. And BTW - HAPPY BIRTHDAY on Thursday :) :) :)!

Okay - back to my "review" of the new series:
LIHI Low Impact Two: Liked it :D. Some old and some new moves. Not killer - just some serious work for a short while.

Bonus Abs 1: Some standing moves which are a nice change of pace. A few editing issues - twice that I noticed Cathe and I were on one side and then suddenly she was on the other side without changing reps :p. But still, I liked it. It uses an 8# wt - I might go up on some of the moves next time. I liked this one better but then I still can't do some moves in the 2nd workout (like long levers) so this was more up my alley.

LIHI BBS: Tough, just like the other upper body one. Cathe goes a bit faster on this one. She uses the green band on the "finisher" exercises - on the one, I will definitely be using a blue band the next time. Not the first one, though - my "pop ups" were not nearly as good as theirs were - no way did my arms get above my shoulders, let alone straight up :eek:...

Next week the only untried workouts will be the circuit ones. "See" you all then :cool:!
Thanks for the "reviews" Lita. I still haven't popped these in...so unlike me, huh? But I think I will start them this weekend.

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I think you'll like 'em, Rhea - they're 'short and sweet' - just right for this time of year :D. Will look forward to your review of the ones you do to see what you think!

Edit - I should clarify .... I found the series 'doable' and not killer the first time through. That probably means the second time I do these they'll kick my butt until it drags on the ground :eek:.... Just sayin' ;) :p!
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Hi everyone. I have just completed the most horrific work/school schedule over the past month. Didn't realize that I hadn't been here for so long. So much to tell you all.

First of all, DH's job offer got rescinded, it is crappy, but what can we do? At least he is here during Dec and we are hoping the offer will come back again after the new year. The company pulled back and did not want to train in Dec but we don't know when they will want him now.

I have only had 2 days off all of Dec so far. I have to work tomorrow as well, get Sunday off, then work Monday. I will get 4 days off Tue-Fri the week of Christmas. Classes just ended this week, so that was going on at the same time. My life was definitely not in a good balance, I knew that. I'm amazed I made it through without been mean and nasty, I just trying to take it day by day. So now for the changes that have occurred...

I have put in my 2 weeks notice at the long term care. I happened to be doing a screening at a company we screen for and the wellness nurse told me they were looking for a temp to fill in when they were on vacation. I asked if I could apply, she said yes, gave me the info, and I got hired. So I will be filling in working in the employee health and wellness clinic. I am excited. It is starting off as a temp, but they say a permanent position is planned for the future, so I am going to just learn as much as I can and apply when the opening comes. I have 2 more classes to take, so I will get that complete Jan/Feb and be done (forever) with school. I want to help my parents get some things straightened out with their house, so that is also something I will be doing. In March, I will see where things are and go from there with decisions, but I really need this slower time.

I got the new dvds but have only done 2 workouts so far. Lita, thanks for your reviews. I didn't know there would be a guide online we could see. I did plyo 1 workout and liked it, it is a lot of jumping, I got on the rebounder for one part to spare my knees. I will have to be selective when I do those. I just did the chest, tri, shoulder workout today. I wrote out the wts I used and reps for my own guide. I have also done both ab workouts. I am looking forward to doing all these workouts and getting back to more exercise. I have not done as much, but have still managed to do some.
Melinda - It is wonderful to "see" you :cool:!!!! CONGRATULATIONS on the new position :D!!!! I'm sure you'll have no problems getting the full-time position once it's open :). Sorry about DH's job :(. Fingers crossed something works out for him (and you) regarding that - soon! I hope you really get to enjoy your short break - you certainly have MORE than earned it :eek:!!!! I think it's amazing you got exercise fit in with all that other stuff - rock on :D!
Speaking of reviews, I have now done both circuit workouts. They will be the last ones I need to review since I'm not doing the plyo workouts :).

Upper Circuit - a couple of problems with this. 1 - the tempo is too fast on about half of it (so of course, I just did my own pace). 2 - the weights I can use for biceps (e.g.) is much heavier than for OH presses. I had that issue for a couple of exercises so I eliminated the shoulders each time. It's not a bad workout, though, if you like circuit. The primary advantage (for me, for now) is that is also has legs which I need to so until I get back to being able to go heavy on lower body workouts. And I did like the actual weight work - little though that may actually be ;).

Lower Circuit - whoa, a LOT of modification for me. 99% of the cardio I didn't do because it's HI so I did my own thing picking things that focused on the legs (like air squats and ice breakers). Some of the actual weight work was too fast paced but again, I just did my own thing. I had to use a lot more variety of wts than Cathe did - but it will likely always be that way. I DO like the weight moves, though, so I will continue to do this one until I'm more recouped from surgery. I'll just have to keep scripting 3/4 of the workout :rolleyes:...

Edit - the most aggravating thing about the lower body circuit is that they put up on the screen the # Cathe is going to use and she tells you the # she's going to use - but neither the screen tag nor Cathe tell you what the exercise is going to be :(. Since I'm not about to use 40s for leg work, that meant scrambling and rewinding once I found out what the exercise was so I knew which weights I wanted. I could've used the print out but that still would've gotten me off track until I figured out where we were on the sheet :eek:.... Probably a non-issue to someone who's going to do it often enough to memorize it - or to someone who can go as heavy as Cathe ;).
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Lita, thanks for the last 2 reviews. I really need to take a look at what is all in this series, haven't done that yet. And also print off the guide for each workout, I will just mark the wts I want to use. I also felt on one of the workouts that the speed was kind of fast. I am just modifying where I can. I have yet to do a third workout, but hope to today (need to take a nap first). I will not miss getting up so early for work.

So many people in this area have had the flu or other illnesses, sure hoping I am not one of them. One big strategy is to just stay rested, which I intend to do very soon.

If I'm not back on before Christmas, have a wonderful one everyone!

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