Low Carbers and Friends - 4th quarter 2014

Yes, I vote to see the pictures too Tracy!!

Hope that abductor gets better soon for you Lita. I'm with you on the stairs, my knees would start yelping about the 10th stair!

Well, I suppose I should confess, never did get any more workouts in last week. Nor this weekend. Shame on me. Yesterday I got home too late to do anything. Tonight, unless I get home extra early, I won't probably get anything done. Two competing things, Giants world series and the Face Off Finale. Gotta have my priorities you know. :)

Oh Tracy, the app is call Tapatalk or something like that. I think I found it by going on the computer and the new forum and found it under the app section under one of the pull down menus. But come to think of it, I think I had to search for the tapatalk app in the search mode at the app store anyway. After you download, you just have to search for the Cathe Forum in the search area and then add it to your feed. You can get notifications of new posts etc. It is a little different from the last one, but you can add all types of forums to your list. I'm still not very efficient on the app, but have been roaming around seeing if there is anything out there I might be interested in.

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Rhea - You are so funny :D :p! I'm sure the adductor will kick in soon - although it's hard to believe *I* could be impatient, lol!

As for the workouts - they'll come :). You work too hard, dear girl, and it's no wonder they get put on the back burner now and again :eek:!
Hello all!

Tracy, glad you had a good time on the RT and made a vacation out of it! So were her workouts harder in person than on the dvds? Good luck with the next stair climb with your friend.

Lita, I am with patients with knee and hip replacements all the time and it's always wonderful to have someone work so hard and improve so fast. We all love to see that and usually rave about the person and their progress. I am happy you are doing so well! So what is going with the adductor? Did you always have a problem, or is this from the surgery?

Rhea, I've backed off a bit with workouts too, but looking forward to the new series coming out. And I'm very happy about the length of workouts, it is doable when times are busy!

So DH got that job and is heading out to Fargo the Fri after Thanksgiving. He should only be there 2-3 weeks, then get to work from home. I know others who have been getting hired, so maybe the economy has improved.
Yeah for DH Melinda! Hope he enjoys the new job.

I'm also glad that the new workouts are of the shorter duration. I've not been wanting to do any long workouts . Too much to do. I also been enjoying full nights of sleep. So right now, I work out when I feel like it.

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Melinda - Whoohoo!!! Congrats to DH on the job :D :D :D! Haven't a clue why the adductor is being this way but I am hoping it's just a combo of the surgery and years of not being able to use it correctly. Hopefully that's all it is ;). I get to do lots of painful exercises for it :p so hopefully it will soon act right. Everything else is going "swimmingly" as the British would say :cool:. But I can't believe I can't do lower body weights or flexibility until next spring :eek:!

Rhea - Sleep is a blessed thing :D :D :D!

Tracy - You out there :(??????
Hi fit babes! I don't know why I'm not getting notifications of new posts! I will have to make sure I clicked the right button to get 'em! :eek:

Thank you Rhea! I found Tapatalk but haven't gotten on to get here yet. Still using the laptop but I will try it soon. I will also try to upload some pics here from the RT. I have it on my to-do list to get my notes typed up and want to do that before T-Day.

My knees do pretty well with the stairs because the quads, hamstrings and calves do all the work. If fact, my calves are what hurt the most the next day if I haven't done it for a while. ;) But now that it's dark after work, I'm doing a step workout at home once a week instead. I don't have my step at work so this is challenging me. Plus I miss stepping!

Great to see you Melinda and CONGRATULATIONS on DH's new job!! :D:D:DI really hope he likes it!!

I don't think Cathe's workouts are harder in person because she doesn't want to kill us doing so many workouts in a short time! So the focus is mostly cardio so we can all hang in there. But there were some moves that we did from the new series that made me stop to catch my breath a time or 2! :p

Lita, I can't imagine those exercises for your adductors aren't going to help it get back in line!! I hope it does soon since it's trying your patience just a little bit! o_O I am shocked that you can't do weights or flexibilty for your lower body until spring!!! :eek: But no doubt that your current exercises will help you with your strength and flexibility for when you can get back to it.

I've been continuing my workouts at work, mostly because I need the break! That and I want to finish the next stair climb without DOMS. :D As for sleep, I love it so but can't get to sleep very well. That's been going on for a while but I sleep well once I get there. I usually sleep 10 hours a day on the weekends. :)

Have a great weekend babes!
Tracy - Thanks so much for the pix :D! Only problem was I couldn't get the screen to close once I looked at them :eek:! Anyhoo... must say Cathe looks a bit TOO buff in that one pix (where she is leaning with a DB to the side) but that's just me.

Believe me, any time I try to move anything that weighs remotely more than my hip thinks it should, it doesn't fail to ask me what the heck I'm doing :rolleyes:.... At those times, I understand why it's going to take so long :(...

The PT isn't quite cutting it, unfortunately. After a couple rounds of squat/lunge combos this morning, my legs were fried :mad: I will hopefully - please God, at some point! - have strong adductor muscles (esp the left one) by spring but the quads and hams are going to be mush... It's not pretty :oops: o_O....

Since you're not getting the notices, guess you'll have to just check in more often :p ;)!!!!
Tracy, those pictures are great! Thank you for sharing.

Okay, I have to admit, I finally did a Cathe workout on Monday. Attempted to do Rocking Step,cardio, whatever it is called #1. Thank goodness I only chose a timesaver, I was panting like mad! I have got to plug those in more often, I'm obviously out of shape cardiowise!!!

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Hi babes! That's weird about those pics Lita! I am almost done with writing up my notes and will email them to everyone here as a pdf attachment. Hope it will come through for everyone!
Yes, Cathe looked quite buff at the RT! I noticed that everytime a suggestion was made to her about a move we could do, she always thought the hardest way to do the move was what we wanted. :eek::)
Lita, don't be so hard on yourself! A new hip is a BIG deal! You will get there!!! I have a friend who got a new knee in July and she is far behind you in her progress. You are one incredible healer and patient, remember that!!! :D:D:D
Rhea, would you like to borrow my dog? He loves to run and I could use the break! :p
I'm still practicing stair climbing with step work at home. Managed to do something bad to my left calf that fools me into thinking it's fine and then one wrong move and Bam! I have to stop whatever I'm doing and calm it down. Grrr. :mad:
Have a great rest of your week babes! I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving! Even though DH insisted that he told me twice, I found out on Saturday that we will have one more for dinner that day when DH's friend asked me what time he should be over. :confused: No big deal but it sure caught me off guard! :oops:o_O
Tracy - Loved the notes on the RT - thank you :D! Glad you're taking care of that calf! Hopefully it will soon heal since you're trying to be kind to it :cool:. And, thank you for your kind words :). My PT thinks I'm doing really well and while she admits we should've started out where we are now in PT, she thinks in just the week or so since we've focused on the smaller muscles, that I've made great progress. The first month we worked over all muscles - it took a while for us to communicate well enough for me to explain and her to understand that it's the small muscles hindering my movements. Oh well - now we're on the same page so I'll get there in no time, right ;)? (I will admit, I've been told by a person or two - or maybe a few more than that :p - that I'm kinda an overachiever :eek:...)
Hey, gang - is anyone out there :eek:????????

Okay - I need some new exercise tubes. I got one set called Bundle Monster - not thrilled w/ them but don't want to pay shipping to return them, lol. I'm looking for heavier duty, longer ones like Cathe had. I know she still sells the one but I need different tensions - and a multi-tension one for the door to do pulldowns & etc. I know Tracy uses Spri but I'm not sure they're longer/heavier - duty.... Plus I don't see a multi-set for the door like I'm using now (it has 3 bands on it).

Any advice or good websites?
Hmm, I think the only tube I ever bought (that didn't come with some dvd set) was at Walmart. Not much choice out there, but I would check on line, like at Amazon.

BTW, how was that wind out there? I saw on our news that Cody was hit pretty hard with over 80 mph winds. I was going to get my toochie over here today to check since that news flash was last night. At least I think it was.....things are starting to blend lately. lol

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Rhea - Unfortunately, Walmart doesn't carry the same bands they used to :(. I looked at Amazon but all the bands are weenie like the Bundle Monster or outrageously expensive... (well, to me, anyway :eek: ). The 80 mph winds were Friday - had my part of town in a "brown out" for several hours - other parts (like 2 blocks away from my house) were completely out. We were to get winds last night but sadly, they didn't come. We dropped to the single digits Sat afternoon and then got 9" of snow so we have a lot of packed ice that needs evaporated - hopefully sooner rather than later! Not that I want 80 mph winds but half that would be nice right now ;)!

Say, Rhea, are you getting hit with snow like Tahoe is? I don't know how close you are to there - you're still in the northern part of your state, right?
Hi babes! Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving! I had the usual--sister got on my nerves and DH pissed me off. :eek: My dad was great though. He never makes me mad or gets on my nerves! :)

I'm thrilled to hear that you are progessing in PT even faster now that you and your therapist are on the same page Lita, yippee!! And as for being an over acheiver, I think you put the wrong smilie there, it should have been :D. We need more people like you in this world!!!

I took the day off today because I came down with a sore throat on Sun (took a bunch of Emergen-C and I'm doing great!) but I needed a day of rest. It's been nice except when BB does things he's not supposed to do to get my attention! :p

I'm glad you are OK after those incredible winds Lita!! Do you want the wind back so it will help get rid of your ice? I don't usually care for the wind myself!

I have the long tubes by Spri Lita and have a blue, red and green. They were sold separately and they still work just fine. I hope they are not too expensive if you find them!

So, my next stairclimb is this Thursday and I haven't worked out since I took BB out for a run on Sat. Oh well! I'll take it easy on myself and do a light workout tomorrow, then go at my own pace for the 56 flight climb. I just hope my hamstrings let me sit down on Friday without screaming at me! :D My calf let me know that it's still alive and not at 100% when I ran on Sat. but I'm making sure I'm not asking too much of it. (Stairclimbing doesn't hurt it.) My dental hygenist tore her calf muscle just walking so it's scaring me a little....

Take care fit babes and hope your weather is better! We dipped below freezing for a few days again, unusual for us in the Fall!
56 flights, Tracy :eek:???????? Wow - talk about super woman :cool:!!! I'm sure you'll do just great - acc'd to Cathe's last newsletter, we don't have to exercise as much as we do to maintain, so... Of course, I think that only applies if you're happy with where you're at and are eating cleanly :p... Not things that usually go hand-in-hand this time of year, for me, anyway ;)!

You are so funny about your typical Thanksgiving Day! And yes, I will take the wind back (well, maybe at a BIT slower speeds, though) to get rid of this ice. I'd far rather walk in wind than on ice any day. Now, walking on ice WITH wind is the worst, I must say!

I looked at Spri - not sure which are the long tubes? I see the original Xertube, the Xertube w/ foam handles and the original step tube (that one looks good since, too). Primarily I need the door set up like I got from Cathe w/ the 3 bands on it. Back muscles are mighty strong, ya know :). But of course, the more tubes the merrier, right? I prefer using them over the band when combined w/ weights the way Cathe has been using them lately.
Hey, my HIIT were mailed out on Sat! Whoopee....I suppose I should start working out a little more so that I won't kill my self on the first dvd I pop in.

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Rhea - On the bright side, the workouts will all be new so you have an excuse to not knock yourself out on them until you try them each a time or two ;) :p.
True, I just didn't want that tomato face effect with the result of me stopping, grabbing my knees and gulping for air! Which I will probably have anyway, abut 3 minutes into the workout!! hahaha :) Hmm, I wonder how I add smilies on here?

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