This week I just received the CTX series and the Cardio Kicks/CMax workouts on DVD. I just did Cardio Kicks and LOVE it! I already had CMax on video so I know I LOVE that. The CTX series is awesome. My husband keeps saying, "Now you don't really need anymore DVD's for a while do you?" But I keep talking him into just one more. I try to explain the whole rotation concept to him. I think he is finally getting it. Plus he is enjoying the benefits of my increased fitness level...tee hee.
I would really love to purchase the Pure Strength Series and Maximum Intensity Cardio, but I am trying to hold off for Cathe's new videos that she is filiming this summer.
What is the preorder presale? Did I see that mentioned somewhere? I missed that for the Intensity Series. Do you get a discount if you preorder?
I hope everyone has a great weekend!:7
I hope everyone has a great weekend!:7