LOVING chins check-in

Using the ladder method to increase pullup numbers



No Catherine...you do not always need a P90X rotation. (but I'm mumbling that I need to get structured with it as well). I've given up this dream to try and stick with ANY rotation right now. I'm going to check out your current rotation right now!!

Soosan...I've been trying to get B&G in at least once a week. I am enjoying it now and I DO think it hits all angles of the tush. I'm concentrating HARD on squeezing my butt while doing it and I REALLY thinks this makes a difference.

Just an observation. Sometimes while I am doing Cathe's workouts I concentrate on completing the set - to keep up with Cathe. I now try to force myself to focus on MY MUSCLE - concentrate on what "I" am doing to get the most out of "MY" muscle even it means not completing the whole set. Capiche???? (I think that's french and very mispelled). You guys probably already do this and I'm just a slow learner. I believe that's why I liked the P90X - I felt like I was competing against ME, obviously not Tony.
I forgot to add......I LOVE YOUR PICTURE CATHERINE. AND the pullup site...thanks a bunch. I'll have to try this.!!!

Did you see? Did you see? Road trip info has been posted! Sign-up starts this Friday at noon! Briee and Catherine, you need to talk to your husbands this week and work something out - PLEASE??? I would really love to meet you!
WOO HOO, Catherine!!!! I am SO excited! :) :) :)

Briee, I hope you can work it out. I've been wanting to meet you for YEARS!
Yea-Caherine is going! Briee, I too, hope you can work it out. I just got an email from A-jock and she is going to go too. I sure hope we all get to sign up!

Okay...you're right...I'm avoiding the question:p :p :p .

Just kidding. Got busy again and SUMMER'S coming! Went for a run with my ds yesterday. Short run, but lots of sprints.

I don't know about the road trip guys, I just don't know. I had high aspirations, but we have an annual 4 day horsebackriding campout scheduled at Wildcat Mountain and I and 3 other families have planned it and announced it already (I was hoping for a July date for the RT). Ahhhhhhh!

I was toying with the idea of reserving a spot, just in case, but it's a bummer that it's nonrefundable. My family still wants to go to PA (which is about 3 hours from the club), but the August time frame doesn't work. I'm still thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking.

Wait...did you say they would have donuts - are you sure about that????

Briee (thinking thinking thinking)
Just for the record...dh told me to go ahead and register in case something changes, but when I registered I was invoice number 155. This is not good right? What were your invoice numbers?

Me again....I just got the confirmation of my registration by email and it says that my card hasn't been charged, since I'm past the 105 mark, but am on a waiting list. And I registered right at 11:04, my time (would have been 11:00, but it said that I wasn't logged in!!! I hope you guys had better luck!!)

Briee (#155 - hmmmmm, I did better than that in my triathlonx( x( x( )

So come on .....how'd ya do????? Soosan, Joanne, Catherine, anyone else???
Yahhhhhh Catherine and Joanne!!!!! Soosan???

It was kind of questionable at my end anyway, so I'm okay with it, but MAN AM I GONNA MISS YOU GUYS. If, on the other hand, there are cancellations, I would try. Promise!!

I am so bummed! I registered at about 12:05 and am invoice #121. I doubt 16 people will be cancelling. Last time it took at least a week to fill up. Waaaaahhhhh.:-(

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