LOVING chins check-in


I made sure to spell "love" correctly :)

Sooosan-happy to hear about your Mom. How long of a drive is it to see her? I live 400 miles away from my Mom and it is really hard some days. I would love to just pop over to her house and have a cup of tea.

Catherine-the video clip was very motivating. I should watch that every morning. I like how you can really see the muscles working while doing them.

Melody-Yea, you're back. And, it looks like you are thinking about going on the RT too!!!!

Briee-I went down to Chicago last weekend and thought of you when driving through WI. Did you see me?

I love the t-shirt idea. I am not very creative at all but would love to have one. We could all wear them on the RT! Sooosan-you cracked me up about showing those advanced exercisers ....

RE: LOVING chins check-in-3/12

Yippee, Joanne's doing negatives!!! How's the elbow doing with that??

I did LIC timesaver cardio + abs. Can you believe it, I did abs two days in a row? I did it cause Cathe said to LOL!! In her rotation of course. I also did some chins- no sets of 5 today but it'll come again!! Did a total of 13.

We must get a t-shirt designed so we can wear them to the RT. Ya know the cheetas will be wearing theirs and I'll be jealous LOL!!
It's just that I don't have a creative bone in my body.

Briee, Soooooooooooooosan how ya doing?? Mel are ya coming back again????

Hey Joanne and Catherine! Man, it's going to be beautiful this week here in VA: 74 today, 79 tomorrow and 76 the next day.

Good for you for getting back with the negatives, Joanne. Hope your elbow's okay. My parents lives in NJ - about a 7-hr drive away. I can't wait to see my mom!

Catherine, abs two days in a row, huh? You go, sister!
Boy have I been busy. I love the title Joanne!!! Very good attitude.

Okay...I did MM yesterday and B&G is on the menu if I can get to it today. We've been doing major spring decluttering around here.

I LOVE SPRING. (except for the big snow meltdown - MUDDY, MUDDY!) Can't wait to go for a bike.

Waves to all. :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

Briee (where's Melody?)
No snow here! It was 83 on Thursday and 42 and rainy yesterday. Today was cold and windy but it's mid-March so there's hope! I've been doing a bit of de-cluttering myself, but I managed to fit in Imax 3 (1-6) plus abs Wed, power yoga yesterday and Drill Max today. Tomorrow's a wild card so I'll do whatever I'm in the mood for. Further de-cluttering is on our plate and, although I hate to spend all that time doing it, it's definitely necessary and feels good when it's done.

Catherine, you are a rock!

Road trip! Road trip! Road trip!:7
So why was I thinking that you are in the northeastern part of the US Soosan? Oh where is my brain? (two very good questions:7 - and somehow I missed reading your first post up there).

Glad to hear there is no snow for ya - I'm jealous of your 83 reading! Have a wonderful time with your mom.

I just finished B&G all standing and corework - with heavy squats thrown in at the end. That was enough for me. I came upstairs and did chins/pulls during commercial breaks while watching "touched by an angel". Totaled 30. It's almost 1am in the morning - Melody...you up???

And now that I'm going back up to reread some posts up there.....I saw Joanne's. YOU SHOULD HAVE CALLED ME!!!!! I would still like to meet sometime. I know we have a crazy life here and I'm in and out, but I'd LOVE to make it work sometime!

Or better yet...come over and I'll show ya my pullup bar!! It's the highlight of my home:p :p :p

Briee (I'm getting closer to posting pictures guys - My 13 y/o dd can now work the digital;) )
Briee, you were asking me about snow because I had planned on driving to NJ. I wound up postponing until Fri the 23rd because of the weather and also because my mom is being discharged today instead of having been last week. She's recovering really well from surgery and will begin radiation in 4-6 weeks.

And who in their right mind adds squats and pull-ups to B&G???? And in the middle of the night no less! You are INCREDIBLE. I'm looking forward to seeing your pix!

Road trip! Road trip! Road trip!:)
Sooooooooooooosan, I'm also glad that your mom is doing so well. And we'll pray for a safe trip to NJ.

DOMS is just settling in from B&G, but it's kind of a nice feeling. Sometimes it's unbearable, but this is one of those...."ummmmm, it aches but feels really good kind of ache". I don't have any ache from the chins, but I'm sympathizing with Joanne as I've had some weird elbow pains lately.

DM cardio blast ehhhhhh????? Maybe I'll do that tonight with ya Catherine. No...I think I'll probably go to BM2 - like 45 minutes of it - the sections I like:p :p :p Ya know....I actually just feel like going to bed, which is exactly why I love you all so much. You make me not go to bed and work out like I should;) ;) ;) ;) .

Briee (we'll see who wins)
Sooosan-I have to do some decluttering too. I always keep putting it off.

I did B & G leg blast premix. My legs are tired. I did a couple of dead hangs yesterday with a slight, I mean very slight up motion. If I can, I mean WHEN I am able to do one it will be such a great feeling of accomplishment.

I wish we would get some warmer weather. Cold and cloudy today.

Briee-I can't wait to get on my bike. I brought it in for a tune up so it is all ready. I bought new pedals and the shoes that clip in. I'm a little nervous-hope I don't wipe out!

Catherine - great job on those chins (you too Briee).

Just stopping by to say Hi!!

Briee, I like BM2 cardio. It's fun with good music (good ole 80's music)!! My legs are screaming every time I sit down for a while and get back up eooooooowwww!!

Joanne, way to persist!! You WILL get there with patience and persistence- and of course constant nagging from us LOL!!

I agree, I am ready for warm weather. Although I can not complain as much as Joanne and Briee!!

Sooooooooooooosan, are ya decluttered yet???

ETA: I forgot an important tidbit- I did B&G stability ball abs today too!! Ya'll know how much I love core work :p


Catherine....you're scaring me.....too much ab work. I might start to worry about you:p :p :p .

Joanne, Wow...a bike tune up - summer is surely coming. The shoe clips would probably be too much for me - all I think is WIPEOUT!! I bet they would help though!! Keep trying those negs - you're doing great!!!! (but only if they are pain free :) )

Keep it up chinner's!!

Yeah Briee, I am scaring myself. But I am trying to stick to my rotation like a good girl LOL!!

I agree that Joanne should be cautious and only do what doesn't hurt

Catherine, you're really sticking with B&G! Hope it gives you the results you're looking for. How are the chins going?

Joanne, I'm never done de-cluttering, but I made a pretty good dent this weekend. I don't know about you all, but I've been quite the slacker when it comes to cleaning these past few months. It's just endless and never seems to stay clean, so why bother? I'm very organized, so the house stays fairly straight, but the dust bunnies sure have been piling up lately!

Briee, are you liking B&G? I've only done portions of BM2 but rarely reach for it. I might have to sub it for Drill Max this week if I have the time.

Enjoy your day, everyone!:)
Hey ladies!! No chins today. Just finished GS BSB and have lead arms!!

Soooooooooooosan, I just did the B&G stability ball abs yesterday not B&G ;) But I have been doing it once a week. Now I am doing the Dec rotation and I think that incorporates it about once a week also- in premix form. That should give interesting results with GSL :eek:

Mumbles: I really need to do a P90X rotation !!



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