Lovin' the Rollerblades!


Was gonna play with Sean on the Nordic Track today...but decided to go skating sans doggies to see what kind of workout I'd get. Had my heart rate up into the "Red Zone" a couple times, but mostly "Orange" and "Green".

I went down an unfamiliar street and was going a little fast...then found myself on top of a hill. I panicked a little because I was going pretty fast...so went over to the grass. As soon as I hit it, I went flying - arms out first, like I was diving into a pool of grass. I think I've finally mastered the falling forward thing. It was awesome - skidding across the grass. Picking it out of my teeth...(ha- not really). Seriously, it's like being a kid again!

I burned as many calories as I would have on the Nordic Track, but had twice as much fun.

Think I'll have a nice bruise on my right hip tomorrow. I hope I didn't hurt that lawn. x(
Yeah - the fall was witnessed by the guy at the next house over. We waved at each other after I was back up and moving. Not sure if he said anything....I had my iPod and Prince. Wish I could have seen it myself.
I love my rollerblades! I bought a new pair this spring, and try to go out at least once a week. We are fortunate enough to have a bike path nearby. I'm not real fast, but enough to keep my heart rate up there. I usually do about 10 miles in an hour. Set a goal to skate the entire trail down and back by the end of the summer, but I did it Memorial Day - 25.8 miles in under 3 hours!
I like your rollerblade posts, too. :) DH and I used to rollerblade quite often until I got pregnant with my second daughter. We got so good, we could go super fast. Fun stuff!

It was funny, one day I walked by the mirror and noticed that my butt was totally lifted up from all the blading I was doing. So, there are benefits besides the bruises. :D
Oh yeah, skating is great for your rear-end! Except when you fall on it. I've got a nice bruise there too.

Kathy - I'm SO jealous that you have a bike path! I live in a pretty affluent town and our taxes are high. You'd think we'd have a bike path, but no such luck. I had planned to do my bike route on my skates yesterday. That would have been about a 10 mile trip, but as I got down the road, I realized that it wasn't safe. It's fine for a bike, where you don't really care how many stones are on the side of the road. I was thinking maybe I'd check out the community college campus next time I've got some time for it.
Your post brought back a wipe out for me several years ago. I did the same thing. It was only the second time on my blades and went down a hill too fast and went sliding into the grass. Then, last year I was skating with DD in Duluth-very hilly-not familiar with the route. Wiped out again. No more hills for me. I now stay on the trail that is pretty much flat.

I love inline skating!

I'm gonna give that hill another go. No hill is going to dictate where I'M gonna skate, darn it! :)

All the sites I've visited online suggest taking some inline skating lessons from a certified instructor. But there just don't seem to be any listed in this area. x(
Yes, the bike path is great to keep out of traffic. However, I discovered today that it's not best to go too soon after a storm - - there were sticks everywhere, and I almost lost it once!
Hi Donna,

Too bad you are so far away... the UB bike path is wonderful for roller blading.. 5 miles out and 5 miles back, with 3 wooden bridges to cross over etc.. maybe on a Sunday or a day off you can take the trip..

Tell me about it! I was just thinking that myself yesterday. A Sunday trip is a great idea. I'd love to see how much the campus has changed since I graduated there...ummmm....16 years ago. UGH!!!!!
Hi Donna, sounds like you have lots of fun on your rollerblades. I have been rollerblading since I was little and I love to go super fast. My worst wipeout was years ago when I tried to go down a steep hill and ended up with road rash down the whole side of my right thigh. Ouch.

We have a bike path here too, it runs practically through my backyard. It is an old railroad track, only part of it is paved though. It is about 6 miles from my houe to the end of the paved part and back. I just put som pictures of it in my picture trail recently from my bike ride. I hear ya about the sticks Kathy, I unfortunately have to dodge horse poop too occasionally, lol.
Good for you Donna!

I have roller blades, but I am not so good on them! I fall!

I am afraid of getting hurt (I know, pretty sad here!) so I stay away!!!! :(

BUT I did just get a new mountain bike over the weekend! DH and I have a new hobby together!!! :)

"Life is too short - Be the best you can be every single day of your life!" :)

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